Symbolic Logic

Inductive logic Programming 2017 Papers

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...
Symbolic Logic

Protected: Effectiveness of “nursery development” verified by difference in difference

Actual causal inference using the difference-in-differences method, one of the causal inference methods relationship between daycare center development and female employment rate
Symbolic Logic

Protected: Estimating Bunt Effects Using Propensity Scores

Estimating baseball bunt effects using propensity scores as an application of causal inference for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks.
Symbolic Logic

Protected: Application of causal effect estimation – Causal and adjustment effects of commercial contact

Specific applications of statistical causal inference used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (causal and adjusted effects of CM contact using average treatment effect ATE and average treatment effect ATT in treatment groups)

Protected: React practice starting with the basics of modern Javascript – DOM manipulation in Javascript

Review of Javascript DOM manipulation for understanding modern Javascript and React for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks

Protected: React practice starting with the basics of modern Javascript – Modern Javascript features (2)

Modern Javascript (spread syntax, object abbreviation notation, map, filter, ternary operators, logical operators) used in React and other applications for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks

Iwanami Data Science – The World of Bayesian Modeling Reading Notes

Iwanami Data Science - The World of Bayesian Modeling Reading Notes Memo for reading "Iwanami Data Science: Th...
Symbolic Logic

From Inductive logic Programming 2016 Proceedings

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...
IOT技術:IOT Technology

ISWC2021 Papers

ISWC2021 Papers From ISWC2021, an international conference on Semantic Web technologies, one of the artificial...

Protected: React practice starting with the basics of modern Javascript – Modern Javascript features (1)

Front-end technologies for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, functional overview of modern Javascript (variables, functions, split assignments)