人工知能:Artificial Intelligence

Addressing Uncertainty in Estimating the Cost of Availability Products-Services-Systems. Epistemology and Ontology

Addressing Uncertainty in Estimating the Cost of Availability Products-Services-Systems. Epistemology and On...
web技術:web technology

ISWC2014 Papers

ISWC2014 Papers From ISWC2014, an international conference on Semantic Web technology, one of the artificial i...
web技術:web technology

Setting up and briefly using MAMP and media wiki

Introduction CMS (Contents Management System) such as Media Wiki and Word Press are platforms that are us...

Protected: Online convex optimization (3) exp concavity and ONS

Convex optimization for online prediction for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks (the case of exp concavity and ONS).

Protected: Online Convex Optimization (2) Complementing FTL Strategies with Regularization

Complementing the FTL strategy by introducing regularization techniques (L2 norm) in online prediction for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Online Convex Optimization(1) FTL strategy and BTL supplement

Online Convex Optimization and FTL Strategies with Online Prediction for Digital Transformation , Artificial Intelligence , and Machine Learning Tasks with BTL Supplement

Protected: New Developments in Reinforcement Learning (2) – Approaches Using Deep Learning

On seven methods for improving deep reinforcement learning used in digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks (first generation DQN, dual Q learning (dual DQN method), prioritized experience replay, collision Q networks, distributed reinforcement learning (categorical DQN method) noise networks, n-step cutting returns) and alpha zero
life tips

Zen thought and history, Mahayana Buddhism, Taoist thought, Christianity

  General Religion Worldviews, love and wisdom in Islam, Christianity and Buddhism As described in ‘Model...

Dogen Zen master

Summary The book, "Dogen Zenji" by Izumi Kyoka Prize for Literature and Shinran Prize winner Tatematsu Wahei, is ...
web技術:web technology

ISWC2013 Papers

ISWC2013 Papers From ISWC2013, an international conference on Semantic Web technology, one of the artificial i...