
Protected: Advanced online learning (1) High accuracy Approach (Perceptron, PA, PA-I, PA-II, CW, AROW, SCW)

Introduction to various methods for improving the accuracy of online learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks (Perceptron, PA, CW, AROW, SCW)

Protected: Fundamentals of Online Learning Stochastic Gradient Descent – Application to Perceptron, SVM, and Logistic Regression

Online learning applications to the perceptron, SVM, and logistic regression for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Online learning and online prediction

Online learning is a sequential machine learning technique used in digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks, and online prediction combines these techniques with decision-making problems.

Protected: Implementation in online learning – sparse vector computation and averaging perceptron, averaged stochastic gradient descent, lazy update

Various implementation techniques for online learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks (sparse vector computation and averaging perceptrons, averaged stochastic gradient descent, lazy update).
Symbolic Logic

Computerized processing of law-related tasks

Computational processing of legal information as an application of knowledge information processing used as a digital transformation and artificial intelligence task (a European case study).

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (1) – History of Knowledge Information Processing, Languages for Representing Knowledge and Prolog

History of knowledge information processing used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, and languages for representing knowledge, Prolog and predicate logic

Artificial Life and Agent Technologies

Artificial life technology, an indispensable technology for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks (reproducing the behavior of life on a computer and expressing intelligence)
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Protected: Instance recognition and retrieval (2) General image retrieval

Search optimization using tree structure, hashing, sequential quantization, spectral hashing, k-means hashing, etc. for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, and evaluation using mAP and recall@R.
Symbolic Logic

Rule base, knowledge base, expert system and relational data

Rule-based and knowledge-based and expert systems and relational data as knowledge information processing handling for use in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

AAAI Classic paper: Artificial Intelligence Technology Review the old and know the new

Previous best papers supervised by AAAI containing various technology ideas (robotics, knowledge data, planning, SAT, etc.) used in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation tasks AAAI Classics