
Reference books on Clojure (general)

Reference books on Clojure (microservices, reactive programming, etc.) for building artificial intelligence and machine learning to be used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks.

Protected: Introduction to Geospatial Information Using QGIS

Overview of QGIS, an open source for processing and displaying map spatial information used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks

Protected: KFAS and fileds in R implementation

Practice of statistical modeling such as Bayesian estimation and spline completion in R, KFAS, fields
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Applying Deep Learning to Speech Recognition

Overview of neural network applications (TDNN, RNN, CNN) and deep learning applications (LSTM, CTC) for speech recognition technology used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks
推論技術:inference Technology

Concrete and Abstract – natural language sematics and explain

Concrete and abstract to consider the meaning of natural language and explainable machine learning that can be used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Speaker adaptation and speaker recognition

Speaker adaptation (HMM) to improve recognition accuracy for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, and speaker recognition (maximum likelihood linear regression, MLLR, i-vector) for security and other applications.
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Instance recognition and retrieval (1) Instance retrieval using BoVW

Instance recognition and image retrieval technology based on image recognition technology used in digital transformationand artificial intelligence

Reference books on machine learning in Clojure

An introduction to machine learning books with Clojure used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks
Symbolic Logic

Creating Logic, Part I: Beginning Logic Reading Notes

A textbook of logic for artificial intelligence and basic mathematics (from propositional logic to predicate logic, and then semantics and multi-valued logic, intuitionistic logic)
機械学習:Machine Learning


Overview of noise reduction techniques to improve speech recognition for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks (additive noise, multiplicative noise and active noise control, parallel model coupling, PMC, factorial HMM)