
Protected: Anomaly detection using simple Bayesian method -Differences from binary classification

Overview of Simple Bayesian Methods for Multivariate Anomaly/Change Detection for Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence Tasks

Protected: Anomaly detection by T2 method for hoteling-Mahalanobis distance and chi-square distribution

Anomaly and change detection using the T2 method (Mahalanobis distance) of hoteling used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Protected: Basic concept of anomaly and change detection – Neyman-Pearson Decision Rule

An Introduction to Machine Learning for Anomaly and Change Detection Used in Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence Tasks
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Applications of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (Ising, combinatorial optimization, particle physics)

Examples of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) applications in digital transformation , artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, such as Ising, combinatorial optimization (traveling salesman problem), and particle physics, are discussed.

Machine Learning Professional Series – Relational Data Learning Post-Reading Notes

Overview of relational data learning to extract the meaning and knowledge behind information used in digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

What is a Complex Network? A New Approach to Deciphering Complex Relationships Reading Memo

Overview of graph theory for analyzing complex network information used in artificial intelligence tasks (lattices and networks, Bacon and Erdesh numbers, small worlds, Beki rules, contagion transmission pathways, communication networks, neural networks, community networks).

Protected: Applications of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (Bayesian inference)

Overview of the application of MCMC methods to Bayesian inference for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks, and description of various algorithms

Protected: MCMC method for calculating stochastic integrals: Algorithms other than Metropolis method (Gibbs sampling, MH method)

An overview of MCMC using Gibbs sampling and MH methods for probability integral computation for digital transformation and artificial intelligence task applications.

Protected: MCMC method for calculating stochastic integrals: Algorithms other than Metropolis method (HMC method)

Algorithm and C implementation of the Hybrid Monte Calro method applied to complex stochastic integral calculations for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Lisp Function Programming for the First Time reading notes

A Textbook of the LISP Language as an Explanation of Functional Programming