web技術:web technology

Web Applications Overview

Web technologies for teaching beginners, fundamentals of web applications, SPA, SSR, GraphQL, RESTRDBMS, SQL, O/R mapper, WSGI, MVC

one hot vector and category vector with Clojure

Implementation of one-hot-vector and category-vector in Clojure for machine learning applications in natural language processing
web技術:web technology

Web Browsers and HTML, CSS, Javascript

Overview of we technologies for teaching beginners, browsers, CSS, HTML, HavaScript


A book that makes you want to start running that talks about barefoot running and trail running.
課題解決:Problem solving

Fermi Estimation for Problem Solving

Problem solving using hypothetical thinking, framework thinking, and abstract thinking on Fermi estimation and ground rules that can be applied to problem solving in the workplace.
web技術:web technology

Web Server Overview

Overview of web technologies for teaching beginners, web server and HTTP, CDN, CGI
人工知能:Artificial Intelligence

Protected: Eliza: The Magic of Programming Illusions

web技術:web technology

HTTP protocol overview

Overview of web technologies for teaching beginners, detailing the HTTP protocol that connects web servers and browsers.
Symbolic Logic

Conversation and AI (Thinking from the Turing Test)

Considerations for conversation and Turing test as AI for chatbot study
web技術:web technology

Internet Technologies Overviews

Overview of web technologies for teaching beginners, about internet technologies, protocols such as network interface layer, internet layer, transport layer and application layer.