
Protected: Unconstrained optimization for continuous optimization in machine learning

Unconstrained Optimization for Continuous Optimization in Machine Learning for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks machine epsilon, stopping conditions without scaling, stopping conditions with scaling, Taylor's theorem, stopping conditions for optimization algorithms, Hesse matrix

Protected: Unsupervised Learning with Gaussian Processes (1)Overview and Algorithm of Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models

Overview and algorithms of unsupervised learning using Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models GPLVM, an application of probabilistic generative models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, Bayesian Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models ,Bayesian GPLVM

On the Road: Travel and History of Awa and Awaji Island

Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku: Travels and History of Awa and Awaji Island (Awa Odori Dance, Pilgrimage, 88 Places on Shikoku Island, Kobo Daishi, Kukai, Awa Ai, German Pavilion, World War I, POWs, Tenjirushi, Doura, Naruto, Whirlpool, Naruto Bridge, Zenbo Yasunori, Nijigen no Mori, Akashi Kaikyo Bridge)

Read “Augustine” Confessions at the Heart of Christianity

Read Augustine's "Confessions" at the heart of Christianity (traveler, theology, philosophy, interminable trials, chance and necessity, self, mystery, Hortensius experience, biblical experience, Manichaeism, conversion, little man, Cicero, Hortensius, free will theory, Martin Heidegger, existence and time, Hannah Arendt, Augustine's concept of love, Roman Empire, Carthage)

Installation and operation of Apache server and LAMP

Installation and operation of Apache server and LAMP (MariaDB, PHP, CentOS, Mac, Windows) utilized for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tasks

Protected: Implementation of model-free reinforcement learning in python (2) Monte Carlo and TD methods

Python implementations of model-free reinforcement learning such as Monte Carlo and TD methods Q-Learning, Value-based methods, Monte Carlo methods, neural nets, Epsilon-Greedy methods, TD(lambda) methods, Muli-step Learning, Rainbow, A3C/A2C, DDPG, APE-X DDPG, Muli-step Learning) Epsilon-Greedy method, TD(λ) method, Muli-step Learning, Rainbow, A3C/A2C, DDPG, APE-X DQN

Protected: Clojure implementation of distributed computation processing (map-reduce) used in Hadoop

Clojure implementation of distributed computation processing (map-reduce) used in Hadoop for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Tesser, Reducer function, fold, cost function, gradient descent method, feature extraction, feature-scales function, feature scaling, gradient descent learning rate, gradient descent update rule, iterative algorithm, multiple regression, correlation matrix, fuse, commutative, linear regression, co-reduction, and covariance) feature-scales function, feature scaling, gradient descent learning rate, gradient descent update rule, iterative algorithm, multiple regression, correlation matrix, fuse, commutativity, linear regression, covariance, Hadoop, pararrel fold

Security in Microservices – APIs with Auth and Pedestal in Clojure

Security in microservices leveraged for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks - APIs with Auth and Pedestal in Clojure Buddy, Buddy sign, JSON Web Tokens, JSON Web Signature, JSON Web Encryption
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Apache Spark’s processing model for distributed data processing

Used for digital transformation artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks Apache Spark's processing model (Executor, Task, Scheduler, Driver Program, Master Node, Worker Node, Spark Standalone, Mesos, Hadoop, HFDS, YARN, Partitions, RDD, Transformations, Actions, Resillient Distributed Dataset)

Introduction to FPGAs for Software Engineers Machine Learning

Summary An FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is a programmable hardware device that can perform high-...