
Protected: Application of Variational Bayesian Algorithm to Mixed Gaussian Distribution Models

Application of variational Bayesian algorithms to mixed Gaussian distribution models for the computation of stochastic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (Dirichlet distribution, isotropic Gaussian distribution, free energy calculation)

Protected: Specific examples of graphical models

Computation of specific graphical models such as Boltzmann Machines, Mean Field Approximation, Bethe Approximation, Hidden Markov Models, Bayesian Hidden Markov Models, etc. as probabilistic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Nonparametric Bayesian Applications to Factor Analysis and Sparse Modeling

Nonparametric Bayesian models, one of the applications of probabilistic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, for factor analysis and sparse modeling (infinite latent feature model, beta-Bernoulli distribution model, Indian cuisine buffet process, binary matrix generation process)

Protected: Stochastic Generative Models and Gaussian Processes(3) Representation of Probability Distributions

Stochastic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks and representation of probability distributions in samples as a basis for Gaussian processes ,weighted sampling, kernel density estimation, distribution estimation using neural nets

On the Road -Geibi no Michi

Ryotaro Shiba's Road to Geibi (Aki, Bingo, Hiroshima, Jodo Shinshu, Mori Motonaga, Amago Tsunehisa, Ouchi, Yoshida Town, Miyoshi, Kofun, Izumo, Hiroshima Prefecture)

The Power of Pure Land Buddhism and Amitabha Buddha, which introduced the concept of parallel worlds

Pure Land Buddhism (Honen, Jodo-shu, Shinran, Jodo Shinshu), which introduced the concept of a parallel world (Buddhist land) to existing Mahayana Buddhism (Hannya Sutra, Lotus Sutra) and the power of Amida Buddha (Muryotsu Sutra, Kanmyoju Sutra, Amida Sutra)

Implementation of a Bayesian optimization tool using Clojure

Introduction of Clojure implementation of Bayesian optimization tool, a (hyperparameter) optimization tool used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) tasks, and opimx, an optimization comparison tool in R.

Protected: Implementation of a simple anomaly detection algorithm using Clojure

Implementation of simple anomaly detection algorithms (establishment density functions; PDF-based models) using Clojure for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) tasks

Chatbot implementation using Clojure and Javascript and integration of AI functionality

Building a chatbot framework in Clojure and Javascript for use in digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks and integrating various AI functions natural language processing, SVM, BERT, Transformer, Knowledge Graph, database, expert systems

Statistical learning by linking Clojure and R

Use of R with Clojure, a statistical machine learning library used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) tasks (Clojisr, Rojure, Rincanter, Huri, clj-iri, graalvm-interop, gg4clj, FastR, Rserve, Java)