
The Impact of Blockchain: A Disruptive Technology that is Overturning the Social Structure from Bitcoin, FinTech to IoT – Reading Notes

Mathematics  Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Algorithm  Digital Transformation Technolo...
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Reconstructing the shape of celestial objects from time series data – Temporal Astronomy

Reconstruct the shape of celestial objects (V455 Andromeda, accretion disk structure, white dwarf) from time series data using Bayesian inference.
Symbolic Logic

Application of knowledge graphs to question answering systems

Application of knowledge graphs to question answering systems for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) tasks

Dreams, Brain and Machine Learning From Dream Theory to Dream Data Science

Confirmation of dream experience in sleep (REM and non-REM sleep) using dream theory (Freud, Hobson activation-synthesis hypothesis, Ripley, etc.), brain networks and fMRI and machine learning (support Vectonema machine, Bayesian linear model with sparsity introduced)

Kukai, Shingon Buddhism, Seals, Mandalas, and Buddhist Statues

Kukai Kobo-Daishi and Shingon Buddhism Toji Temple in Kyoto, Kongobuji Temple on Mt. Koya, Esoteric Buddhismand three-dimensionality by mandala and Buddhist images five wisdom buddhas, five great bodhisattvas, five great kings, heaven

Tannisho in the Kansai Dialect as an Idea of Other Power

Shinran's Kansai-ben as a teaching of Jodo Shinshu and Tannisho as an idea of other power (Tetsumune Shaku, Kitaro Nishida, Ryotaro Shiba, Takaaki Yoshimoto, Shusaku Endo, Takeshi Umehara, Christianity, Western intelligence)
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Drones and 3D Model Reconstruction Technology

Drones and 3D model recovery technology (SfM, MVS) used for geographic information processing for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) tasks

AI Researchers and Haiku Poets Why Do People Create Haiku?

Automatic Haiku Generation Using Deep Learning, Intelligence, and World Acknowledgment

Quantum Computers Accelerate Artificial Intelligence

Quantum Computers Accelerate Artificial Intelligence From "Quantum Computers Accelerate Artificial Intellig...

Hardware approaches to machine learning – FPGA, optical computing, quantum computing

Different approaches in hardware used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning - FPGAs, optical computing and quantum computing