The Semantic Web for Ontology Engineers

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Ontology and semantic web technologies

Ontology technology is a technology for clearly defining the relationships between concepts and terms in a particular domain or field, and provides a semantic framework that can improve information interoperability, allowing different applications to have a common understanding, or sharing and processing information between machines This is characterized by the fact that it facilitates the sharing and processing of information between machines.

On the other hand, Semantic Web technology is a technology for expressing information on the Web in a more meaningful format and improving interoperability. It uses technologies such as RDF and OWL to express information in a meaningful format, and by using SPARQL, data can be retrieved efficiently. This Semantic Web technology can be used with ontology technology to provide a common framework for better defining information and clarifying relevance.

Ontology technologists work in a variety of fields, including business, science, and medicine, where they understand discipline-specific terminology and concepts and develop ontologies for their fields so that information can be managed more effectively on the Semantic Web. Ontology technologists also use the Semantic Web to achieve a variety of goals, including search engines, information processing, data integration, knowledge management, and application development. This paper describes Semantic Web technologies from the perspective of ontology engineers, based on the book “Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist.

The Semantic Web for Ontology Engineers

This book mainly describes the modeling languages such as RDF, RDFS, OWL, etc., and the modeling of ontologies using them, including the description of the languages and the steps of the actual modeling methods. As for chapters 11 and 12, where ontology is discussed, I think it would be helpful to read the literature on formal semantics that I mentioned earlier.The table of contents is as follows.

Chapter 1 What is the Semantic Web?
  What is a Web?
  Smart, Web, Dumb Web
     Smart Web application      
     Connected data is smart data    
  Semantic Data 
     A distributed web of data    
     Features of Semnatic Web    
     What about the round-worlders?   
     To reach their own  
     There's always one move   
     Fundamental concept
Chapter 2 Semantic Modeling
  Modeling for Human Commenication
  Explanation Prediction
  Meditating Variability
     Variation and classes   
     Variation ans layers 
  Expressivity in Modeling
     Fundamental concept   

Chapter 3 RDF - The basis of the Semantic Web
  Distributing Data across the Web
  Merging Data from Multiple Sources
  Namespaces, URLs, and identity
     Expressing URIs in print
     Standard namespaces
  identifiers in the RDF Namespace
  Higher-order Relationships
  Alternatives for Serialization
  Blank Nodes
     Ordered information in RDF
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 4 Semantic Web application architecture
  RDF Parser/Serializer
     Other data sources
  RDF Store
     RDF data standards and interoperability of RDF stores
     RDF query engines
     Comparison to relational queries
  Application Code
     RDF-backed web portals
  Data Federation
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 5 Querying the Semantic Web-SPARQL
  Tell-and-Ask System
     Common tell-and-ask infrastructure - spreadsheets
     Advanced tell-and-ask infrastructure - relational database
  RDF as a Tell-and-Ask System
  SPARQL - Query Language for RDF
     Naming question words in SPARQL
     Query structure vs. data structure
     Ordering of triples in SPARQL queries
     Querying for properties and schema
     Variables, bindings, and filters
     Optional matches
     Negation(SPARQL 1.1)
     Yes/No queries
  Construct Queries in SPARQL
  Using Results of CONSTRUCT Queries
  SPARQL rules - using SPARQL as a Rule Language
     Transitive queries(SPARQL1.1)
  Advanced Features of SPARQL
     Limits and ordering
  Aggregates and Grouping(SPARQL1.1)
  Federating SPARQL Queries
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 6 RDF and Inferencing
  Inference in the Semantic Web
     SPARQL and inference
     Virtues of inference-based semantics
  Where Are The Smarts?
     Asserted triples versus inferred triples
  When Does Inferencing Happen?
     Inferencing as specification
     Fundamental concept

Chapter7 RDF schema
  Schema Languages and Their Function
     Relationship between schema and data
  The RDF Schema Language
     Relationship propagation through rdf:subProprtyOf
     Typing data by usage rdfs:domain and rdfs:range
     Combination of domain and range with rdfs:subClassOf  
  RDFS Modeling Combinations Patterns
     Set intersection
     Property intersection
  Set Union
     Property union
     Property transfer
     Property reconcillation
     instance-level data integration
     Readable labels with rdfs:label
     Data typing based on use
     Filtering undefined data
     RDFS and knowledge discovery
  Modeling with Domains and Range
     Multiple domains/ranges
  Nonmodeling Properties in RDFS
     Cross-referencing files:rdfs:seeAlso
     Organizing vocablaries drfs:isDefineBy
     Model documentation rdfs:comment
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 8 RDFS-Plus
  Symmetric Properties
     Using OWL to OWL
     Managing networks of dependencies
     Equivalent classes
     Equivalent properties
     Same individuals
  Computing Sameness - Functional Properties
     Functional properties
     inverse functional properties
  A Few More Constructs
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 9 Using RDFS-Plus in the wild
  Open Government Data
     Describing relationship in data
     Merging data with RDF and SPARQL Summary
     People and agents
     Names in FOAF
     Nicknames and online names
     Online persona
     Groups of people
     Thing people make and do
     Identity in FOAF
     It's not what you know, it's who you are
  Facebook's Open Graph Protocol
     The OGP model
     Embedding OGP in web page
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 10 SKOS managing vocabularies with RDFS-Plus
  Simple Knowledge Organization System(SKOS)
  Semantic Relation in SKOS
     Meaning of semantic relations
     SKOS and linked vocabularies
  Concept Schemes
     Managing SKOS concept schemes
  SKOS integrity
  SKOS in Action
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 11 Basic OWL
     Kinds of restrictions(owl:someValuesFrom、owl:allValuesFrom、owl:hasValue)
  Alternative Descriptions of Restriction
     Fundamental concept

Chapter12 Counting and sets in OWL
  Unions and Intersections
     Closing the world (owl:oneOf)
     Diffrentiating individuals with owl:differentFrom
  Diffrentiating Multiple individuals
     Qualified cardinality(OWL2.0)
     Small cardinality limits
  Set Complement
  Disjoin Sets
  Prerequisities Revised
     No Prerequisities
     Counting pterequisitie
     Guarantees of existence
  Unsatisfiable Class
     Propagation of unsatisfiable class
  Inferring Class Relationships
  Reasoning with Individuals and with Classes
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 13 Ontologies on the Web - putting it all together
  The Good Relations Ontology
  Inferencing in the Good Relations Ontology
  Composing Files
  Quantities, Units, and Dimensions
  Converting Units with QUDT
     Using QUDT conversions
  Dimension Checking in QUDT
  Biological Ontologies
  CHEBI as Unambiguous Reference
  CHEBI for Complex Search
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 14 Good and bad modelingpractices
  Getting started
     Know what you want
     Say what you mean, mean what you say
  Modeling for Reuse
     Insightful names versus wishful names
     Keeping track of classes and individuals
     Modeling testing
  Common Modeling Errors
     Rampant classism (antipattern)
     Exclusivity (antipattern)
     Objectification (antipattern)
     Creeping conceptualization (antpattern)
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 15 Expert modeling in OWL
  OWL Subsets and Modeling Philosophy
     Provable models
     Executable models
  OWL2 Modeling Capabilities
     Multipart properties
     Multiple inverse functional properties
     OWL2 profiles
     Fundamental concept

Chapter 16 Conclusions

