Visualization of Graphic Data Using Sigma.js

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Visualization of Graphic Data Using Sigma.js

Sigma.js is a web-based graph visualization library that can be a useful tool for creating interactive network diagrams. Below we describe the basic steps and functions for visualizing graphical data using Sigma.js.

Install Sigma.js: To use Sigma.js, first install or download the Sigma.js library file, which is open source and available from the GitHub repository. Next, load the Sigma.js library with an HTML file.

<script src="sigma.min.js"></script>

Prepare graph data: Prepare the graph data to be visualized. Generally, the data should be in JSON format, consisting of a list of nodes and edges. For example

  "nodes": [
    { "id": "A", "label": "Node A" },
    { "id": "B", "label": "Node B" },
    { "id": "C", "label": "Node C" }
  "edges": [
    { "id": "AB", "source": "A", "target": "B" },
    { "id": "AC", "source": "A", "target": "C" }

Create an instance of Sigma.js: Create an instance of Sigma.js and associate it with an HTML element.

// Get HTML Elements
var container = document.getElementById('sigma-container');

// Create an instance of Sigma.js
var s = new sigma({ container: container });

Display graph data: Use Sigma.js to display graph data.

// グラフデータを追加; // data is graph data in JSON format

// Drawing Graphs

Customization: The appearance and behavior of the graphs can be customized. You can customize the style of nodes and edges, the application of layouts, the display of tooltips, and more.

// Customize Graph Styles
  defaultNodeColor: '#ec5148',
  defaultEdgeColor: '#ccc',
  labelSize: 'proportional',
  labelThreshold: 6
  1. Discursive manipulation: Sigma.js supports user interaction, providing functions such as zooming in and out, clicking and dragging nodes, and filtering.
  2. Event handling: Sigma.js can handle a variety of events. For example, specific actions can be performed when a node is clicked or when the mouse hovers over an edge.
  3. Exporting: Graph visualizations can also be exported as images.

Following these steps, it is possible to visualize graphical data on the web using Sigma.js. Sigma.js is highly customizable and is used in many projects and web applications.

Application examples of graph data visualization using Sigma.js

Sigma.js is a very flexible and powerful graph visualization library and is used in various application cases. Below are some examples of graph data visualization using Sigma.js.

1. social network analysisけ

Sigma.js is widely used to visualize social network data. Visualizing friendship relationships, followers, and connections in social networks helps to understand community structure and patterns of information diffusion.

2. bioinformatics:

Life science researchers use Sigma.js to visualize gene expression networks and protein-protein interaction networks to study biological processes and interaction patterns.

3. web analytics:

Web developers and digital marketers use Sigma.js to visualize link structures and traffic patterns on websites to improve SEO strategies and user experience.

4. organizational network analysis:

Sigma.js is used to visualize elements of collaboration, communication, and hierarchy within an organization to understand connections and information flows within the organization.

5. transportation network visualization:

Sigma.js is used to visualize physical networks such as road networks, public transportation networks, and airline routes to help optimize traffic and analyze routes.

6. education and demonstrations:

Sigma.js is also used in education to teach graph theory and network science. It is useful for visually explaining basic network principles and concepts to students and pupils.

7. data analysis and visualization:

Data scientists and analysts use Sigma.js to visualize correlations and patterns in large data sets to gain insight.

8. project management:

Project managers use Sigma.js to visualize dependencies among tasks and project progress to help manage projects effectively.

These are common applications of graphical data visualization using Sigma.js. Sigma.js is used in many projects and disciplines, and its customizability and flexibility make it a tool that can be customized to meet a variety of needs.

Reference Book

Visualizing Graph Data

D3.js 4.x Data Visualization – Third Edition: Learn to visualize your data with JavaScript

Hands-On Graph Analytics with Neo4j: Perform graph processing and visualization techniques using connected data across your enterprise

Graph Analysis and Visualization: Discovering Business Opportunity in Linked Data

