Sequential Secondary Planning Method

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Overview of Sequential Secondary Planning Method

Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) is an iterative optimization algorithm for solving nonlinear optimization problems with nonlinear constraints. The SQP method has been widely used as a numerical solution method for constrained optimization problems, especially in engineering, economics, transportation planning, machine learning, control system design, and many other fields of application.

The main features and procedures of the SQP method are as follows:

1. problem formulation:

First, the nonlinear optimization problem is formulated as follows
\[ \min f(\mathbf{x}) \] In this case, \(\mathbf{x}\) is the vector of variables and \(f(\mathbf{x})\) is the objective function. In addition, if constraints exist, they are given in the following form.
\[ g_i(\mathbf{x}) \leq 0, \quad i = 1, 2, \ldots, m \] \[ h_j(\mathbf{x}) = 0, \quad j = 1, 2, \ldots, p \]

2. Setting the initial solution:

The SQP method is an iterative method, which sets the initial solution and starts the algorithm.

3. Algorithm Iteration:

The SQP method performs the following steps at each iteration

    1. Compute the gradient vectors of the objective function and constraints in the current solution.
    2. Approximate the Hesse matrix and compute the candidate solutions in the next iteration step.
    3. Compute new solution candidates while respecting the constraints.
    4. Continue iterating, adjusting the step size, until the convergence condition is satisfied.

4. convergence decision:

A condition for convergence of the iterations is set, and when this condition is satisfied, the iteration is considered to have converged to the optimal solution. The convergence condition is usually a small change in the objective function or constraint violation.

The advantage of the SQP method is that it is effective even for nonlinear problems and has the ability to find an optimal solution that satisfies the constraint conditions. However, the algorithm needs to be adjusted in terms of initial solution selection, Hesse matrix approximation method, step size control, etc., and the computational cost can be high, especially for large nonlinear problems, so it is necessary to devise ways to improve the efficiency of the numerical calculation.

Algorithms used in sequential quadratic programming

Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method is an iterative algorithm for solving nonlinear optimization problems in which the optimization problem is transformed into a quadratic approximation model and the solution is improved sequentially. The main algorithms and methods used in the SQP method are described below.

1. quadratic approximation model:

In the SQP method, the objective function and constraints are approximated by a quadratic approximation model. This model is constructed using the second-order derivatives of the objective function and constraints (the Hesse matrices described in “Hesse Matrices and Regularity“), and minimizing the second-order approximation model improves the current solution and yields new candidate solutions.

2. handling of constraints:

The SQP method can also be applied to constrained optimization problems. Constraints are incorporated into the approximate model, the steps to satisfy the constraints are computed, and in general, the constraints are handled using the Lagrange multiplier method, which is also described in “Dual Problem and Lagrange Multiplier Method“.

3. Approximation of Hesse Matrices:

Approximation of the Hesse matrix is necessary to construct a quadratic approximate model. Since it is usually difficult to compute the Hesse matrix exactly, the BFGS method described in “About the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) Method” and the L-BFGS method described in “About the Quasi-Newton Method“. Approximation is often used.

4. step size adjustment:

The SQP method computes a candidate solution for each iteration and adjusts the step size to improve the convergence of the problem. Step size adjustment affects the stability and convergence of the algorithm.

5. extension to large scale problems:

The SQP method is typically used for small- to medium-scale optimization problems. To deal with large problems, extensions of the SQP method to large-scale problems have been studied.

The SQP method is widely used as an effective numerical solution method for nonlinear optimization problems, and many software tools are available. However, depending on the nature of the problem and the choice of initial solution, convergence may not be guaranteed, so proper initial setup and convergence determination are important.

Application of the Sequential Secondary Planning Method

Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method is a general-purpose algorithm for solving nonlinear optimization problems and is used in many application areas. The following are examples of applications of the SQP method

1. engineering design:

The SQP method is used to optimize material selection and design parameters in engineering design, including the optimal design of machines and structures, electronic circuit design, and aircraft design. Efficient designs can be found by minimizing the objective function under constraints.

2. economics:

In economics, the SQP method is used for problems of adjusting parameters of economic models such as revenue maximization and cost minimization. For example, it is applied in production planning, investment planning, and asset portfolio optimization.

3. transportation planning:

SQP methods are applied to problems related to transportation and logistics, such as optimal route selection for transportation networks, transportation scheduling, and airline fleet allocation. The objective is to minimize costs and maximize efficiency.

4. control systems:

The SQP method is used in control system parameter tuning, control gain optimization, and control system design. In particular, it is used to find optimal solutions that satisfy constraints in nonlinear control problems.

5. machine learning:

SQP methods are also applied in machine learning, such as hyperparameter tuning of machine learning models and SVM (support vector machine) parameter optimization. Finding the optimal hyperparameter settings can improve the performance of the model.

6. statistics:

SQP methods are used in statistics, including maximum likelihood estimation of statistical models and parameter estimation in nonlinear least squares methods. The goal is to adjust the parameters of the statistical model to best fit the measured data.

7. signal processing:

SQP is also used in signal processing, such as parameter optimization of signal processing algorithms and design of image processing filters.

These are just a few examples of where the SQP method is used in a wide range of application areas. In many areas where nonlinear optimization problems appear, the SQP method is frequently used as a method to find optimal solutions while satisfying constraints.

Example implementation of the sequential quadratic programming method

Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) is an algorithm for solving nonlinear optimization problems and is implemented in many numerical libraries and optimization software. The following is a simple example implementation of the SQP method in Python. In this example, the SciPy library is used.

First, install the SciPy library in Python.

pip install scipy

The following is a sample code that solves a nonlinear optimization problem using the SQP method. The following is a simple example.

from scipy.optimize import minimize

# objective function
def objective_function(x):
    return x[0]**2 + x[1]**2

# constraint
def constraint1(x):
    return x[0] + x[1] - 1

# initial solution
initial_guess = [0.5, 0.5]

# Specify constraints
constraints = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': constraint1}

# Perform optimization
result = minimize(objective_function, initial_guess, constraints=constraints, method='SLSQP')

# Show Results
print("optimal solution:", result.x)
print("optimum value:",

In this example, the two-variable objective function


Minimize  and the constraint


The SQP method is used as the default optimization method for the minimize function in SciPy.

In actual applications, the objective function and constraints may be complex and have multiple constraints, and the SQP method is applied by properly defining the objective function and constraints and setting the initial solution. The SQP method is effective for many nonlinear optimization problems and can be easily implemented using libraries such as SciPy.

Challenges of Sequential Secondary Planning Methods

Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method is a powerful algorithm for solving nonlinear optimization problems, but several challenges and limitations exist. The main challenges of the SQP method are described below.

1. initial solution dependence:

The convergence of the SQP method depends on the initial solution. Choosing an inappropriate initial solution may worsen convergence, and finding an appropriate initial solution requires an understanding of the nature of the problem.

2. convergence to a local solution:

The SQP method may converge to a local optimal solution, and there is no guarantee that a globally optimal solution will be found. Attempts are being made to avoid convergence to a local solution and to increase the probability of convergence to a globally optimal solution by selecting initial solutions and adjusting the algorithm.

3. computational cost:

The SQP method is computationally expensive because the approximation of the Hesse matrix is computed at each iteration. Computation time may increase, especially for large problems.

4. approximation of the Hesse matrix:

The exact computation of the Hesse matrix can be difficult and requires an approximation of the Hesse matrix. The choice of approximation method and the lack of accurate Hesse matrix information can affect convergence.

5. convergence instability:

The speed and stability of convergence of the SQP method varies from problem to problem, and convergence can be unstable. Appropriate convergence criteria should be set to ensure convergence stability.

6. nonlinearity of constraints:

If the constraint conditions are nonlinear, it may be difficult to find an optimal solution that satisfies the constraint conditions, and convergence may be slow.

7. application to large-scale problems:

The SQP method is usually effective for medium-sized problems, but for large-scale problems, it is computationally expensive and convergence can be difficult. It is necessary to devise a way to apply the SQP method to large-scale problems.

Addressing the Challenges of Sequential Secondary Planning Methods

To address the challenges of Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) methods, the following measures are commonly taken

1. initial solution selection:

The initial solution affects the convergence of the SQP method. To find a better initial solution, heuristics or another optimization technique can be used to generate a good initial guess. A method of multiple trials of random initial values (random start) is also used.

2. search for the global optimal solution:

SQP methods tend to converge to the local optimal solution, but convergence to the global optimal solution is not guaranteed. To find the globally optimal solution, it is useful to run the algorithm multiple times with different initial solutions and select the optimal result (multiple starts).

3. treatment of constraints:

To deal with nonlinearities and inequality constraints in the constraints, appropriate constraint approximations or constraint relaxations may be made. Also, a combination of active set and penalty methods may be used to satisfy the constraints.

4. approximation of the Hesse matrix:

If the exact computation of the Hesse matrix is difficult, an appropriate Hesse matrix approximation method should be selected; approximating the Hesse matrix using quasi-Newtonian methods such as the BFGS or L-BFGS methods are commonly used. Alternatively, the finite difference method can be used to approximate the Hesse matrix.

5. setting convergence criteria:

It is important to set appropriate convergence criteria. Convergence is usually considered to have occurred when the change in the objective function or the change in the violation of the constraints becomes small. In addition, the maximum number of iterations and maximum computation time should be set to avoid infinite loops.

6. handling large scale problems:

In order to deal with large-scale problems, methods and heuristics have been proposed to apply the SQP method to large-scale problems. Parallel computation, for example, is used to solve constraint subproblems.

7. tuning the algorithm:

Fine tuning of the parameters and algorithms of the SQP method may be necessary, and the use of specific variations or improved versions of the algorithm may be considered.

Reference Information and Reference Books

For more information on optimization in machine learning, see also “Optimization for the First Time Reading Notes” “Sequential Optimization for Machine Learning” “Statistical Learning Theory” “Stochastic Optimization” etc.

Reference books include Optimization for Machine Learning

Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science

Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook

