Overview of the DFP method (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method), its algorithm and examples of its implementation

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Overview of DFP method (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method)

The DFP method (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method) is one of the numerical optimization methods and is particularly suitable for nonlinear optimization problems. This method is characterized by using a quadratic approximation approach to find the optimal search direction, and the DFP method belongs to the category of quasi-Newton methods described in Quasi-Newtonian method’, which seek the optimal solution while updating the approximation of the inverse of the Hesse matrix.

An overview of the DFP method is given below.


  • Effective for nonlinear optimization problems, and global convergence is expected.
  • Computational cost can be reduced by successively updating the approximation of the inverse of the Hesse matrix.


  • If the gradient of the function or the Hesse matrix is numerically unstable, the algorithm may worsen the behavior.
  • Large-scale problems can be difficult to deal with.

Although the DFP method is widely used in the field of numerical optimization, depending on the characteristics of the problem, it is an approach that needs to be compared with other methods.

Algorithms related to the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) method

The DFP method (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method) is an optimization algorithm that belongs to the quasi-Newtonian method and is particularly suitable for nonlinear optimization problems. The basic algorithmic procedure of the DFP method is shown below.

Algorithm of the DFP method:

1. initialization:

Select an appropriate initial point (x_0) and set the unit matrix to be the initial inverse of the Hesse matrix (B_0).

2. iterative step:

a. Calculate the search direction: Calculate the gradient vector (g_k). The search direction (p_k) is given by (p_k = -B_k g_k).

b. Line search: To find the appropriate step size, a line search is performed to determine the step size that minimizes the objective function.

c. Compute new point: Compute a new point (x_{k+1} = x_k + alpha_k p_k).

d. Update the gradient vector: Compute (g_{k+1} = nabla f(x_{k+1})).

e. Compute the difference vectors: (s_k = x_{k+1} – x_k) and (y_k = g_{k+1} – g_k).

f. Update matrix (B_k): Update the inverse matrix of matrix (B_k). The update formula is as follows.
[ B_{k+1} = B_k + frac{s_k s_k^T}{s_k^T y_k} – frac{B_k y_k y_k^T B_k}{y_k^T B_k y_k} ]

g. Convergence decision: Convergence decision is made, and if the convergence condition is satisfied, the algorithm terminates.

3. termination:

If convergence is achieved, the optimal solution is found; otherwise, the iteration is repeated with the new point as the current point.


  • The update formula for the inverse of the Hesse matrix (B_k) has the characteristic of updating the matrix sequentially.
  • There are various methods for line-search, and the specific approach depends on the problem.
  • The choice of initial points and parameters can affect the performance of the algorithm.

The DFP method is one of the quasi-Newton methods, which achieves effective convergence in nonlinear optimization problems by updating the inverse matrix approximation sequentially instead of obtaining the Hesse matrix exactly.

Application of the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) method

The DFP method (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method) is a method applied to nonlinear optimization problems and has many applications. The following are common cases where the DFP method is used.

1. machine learning optimization:

In neural network training and deep learning model optimization, the DFP method is used in place of the gradient descent method. When adjusting model parameters, the DFP method may help improve convergence speed.

2. control system design:

The DFP method is used in optimal control problems and parameter optimization of control systems. It is applied to the problem of achieving a specific control goal by adjusting control system parameters.

3. chemical process optimization:

In chemical process control and design, DFP methods are used to optimize reaction conditions and process parameters. This is expected to improve the efficiency of a particular chemical process.

4. structural optimization:

In the design of machines and structures, DFP methods are used for optimization problems related to structural geometry and material selection. It helps to find optimal values of design variables to maximize the strength and durability of the structure.

5. power system optimization:

In the operation and control of power networks, DFP methods are used and applied to problems of power distribution and optimization of system operation.

Example implementation of the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) method

An example implementation of the DFP method (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method) is shown below. In the following example, the DFP method is implemented using the SciPy library in Python. First, install SciPy.

pip install scipy

Next, the following is a simple example of solving a nonlinear optimization problem using the DFP method.

from scipy.optimize import minimize

# Objective function to minimize
def objective_function(x):
    return x[0]**2 + 4 * x[1]**2 + 4 * x[0] * x[1]

# initial point
initial_guess = [1.0, 1.0]

# Optimization by DFP method
result = minimize(objective_function, initial_guess, method='DFP', options={'disp': True})

# Display Results
print("Optimal parameters:", result.x)
print("Optimal value:", result.fun)

In this example, the two-variable objective function


The DFP method is selected by specifying ‘DFP’ in the method argument of the minimize function, and the result of optimization is stored in the result object, which displays the optimal and minimum values of variables.

Challenges of the DFP method (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method) and measures to address them

The DFP method (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method) is an effective optimization method, but several challenges exist. The main challenges of the DFP method and their solutions are described below.


1. numerical instability: The DFP method approximates the inverse of the Hesse matrix, and thus introduces numerical instability. In particular, problems may occur when the inverse of the matrix is numerically unstable.

2. dealing with non-convex problems: Although the DFP method is effective for convex problems, it may converge to a local solution for non-convex problems. Non-convex problems require a better choice of initial points and improved algorithms.

3. computational cost: The operation of updating the inverse of the Hesse matrix is computationally expensive and is not suitable for large-scale or high-dimensional problems.


1. improvement of numerical stability: To improve numerical stability, methods that are less prone to numerical instability or methods that ensure numerical stability can be adopted. In particular, it is important to employ numerical methods in the computation of inverse matrices.

2. Selection of initial points: To deal with non-convex problems, it is important to carefully select initial points. It may be combined with other optimization methods, or multiple runs may be performed using random initial points to select the best solution.

3. dealing with large scale problems: To deal with large scale or high dimensional problems, efficient numerical or approximate methods could be introduced instead of computing the matrix inverse. Also, methods that can be applied to constrained optimization problems will be considered.

Reference Information and Reference Books

For more information on optimization in machine learning, see also “Optimization for the First Time Reading Notes” “Sequential Optimization for Machine Learning” “Statistical Learning Theory” “Stochastic Optimization” etc.

Reference books include Optimization for Machine Learning

Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science

Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook

1. Introduction to Numerical Optimization – Theory, Algorithms, and Software

2. Introduction to Mathematical Optimization

3. numerical analysis

4. Numerical Optimization

    5. Optimization Algorithms: AI techniques for design, planning, and control problems

