Overview of counterfactual virtual learning using graph neural networks, related algorithms and implementation examples.

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Overview of counterfactual virtual learning using graph neural networks.

Counterfactual learning (counterfactual learning) using graph neural networks (GNNs) is a method for inferring outcomes under different conditions based on ‘what if’ assumptions for data with a graph structure. Counterfactual virtual learning is closely related to causal inference and aims to understand the impact of specific interventions or changes on outcomes.

An overview of counterfactual hypothetical learning using GNNs is given below.

1. basic concept of counterfactual hypothetical learning: counterfactual hypothetical learning generates hypothetical scenarios in which interventions or changes are made to observed data and estimates outcomes under these scenarios. Specifically, new data are generated and outcomes are predicted based on assumptions such as ‘what if this node had a different attribute’ or ‘what if this edge did not exist’.

2. the role of graph neural networks: GNNs are excellent at modelling complex relationships between nodes and can utilise their strong expressive power in counterfactual learning; by using GNNs, counterfactual scenarios can be generated and inferences made, taking into account the overall structure of the graph and the features of the nodes. can be carried out.

The specific methods for counterfactual virtual learning are as follows: 1.

1. Data preparation: Collect graph structures (nodes and edges) and node features as observation data.

2. Generating counterfactual hypothetical scenarios: virtual interventions such as changing node attributes, adding or deleting edges, etc., are used to generate new graph structures.

3. building GNN models: training on the original graph and the counterfactual virtual graph using standard GNN models (e.g. GCN and GAT), building models based on the original graph and the counterfactual virtual graph respectively, and comparing the output of both.

4. causal inference: comparing the outputs of the original graph and the counterfactual graph to estimate the effect of the intervention. This allows, for example, “If the attributes of this node were different, how would the predicted outcome change?” analysis.

We describe a concrete example of applying this approach to information propagation in SNSs.

As a task, we consider a model of information propagation on a SNS. Here, nodes represent users and edges represent follow relationships, and counterfactual learning is used to predict the pattern of information propagation when specific users have different attributes (e.g. different interests and influences).

1. data preparation: prepare SNS graph data including attributes (interests, influence) and edges (followings) for each node (user).

2. generating counterfactual hypothetical scenarios: changing the attributes of a particular user (e.g. changing their interests) and generating a new graph.

3. building a GNN model: using a standard GNN model to predict information propagation for the original graph and the counterfactual virtual graph.

4. causal inference: compare the predictions of the original graph and the counterfactual virtual graph to estimate the impact of a specific user attribute change on information propagation.

Counterfactual virtual learning with GNNs is a powerful tool for assessing the impact of interventions on data with a graph structure, and is an approach that can reveal causal relationships by generating hypothetical scenarios based on observed data and predicting outcomes for them. It is expected to find applications in a variety of fields, including medicine, marketing and social networks.

Algorithms related to counterfactual virtual learning using graph neural networks.

Algorithms related to counterfactual learning (counterfactual learning) using graph neural networks (GNNs) primarily combine causal inference and graph neural network techniques to assess the impact of interventions in graph data. The main algorithms involved are described below.

1. Causal Graph Convolutional Networks (CGCN):

Overview: CGCNs are based on the Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) described in “Overview, Algorithms and Examples of Implementations of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (GCNs)” and incorporate elements of causal inference. The model incorporates elements of causal inference. It generates counterfactual hypothetical scenarios for data with a graph structure and estimates their impact.

Algorithm: For each node on the graph, the effect of the intervention is estimated from the observed data. Counterfactual hypothetical data are generated, predictions are made based on them and causal effects are assessed.

2. counterfactual fairness GNN (CF-GNN):

Overview: CF-GNN is a model for counterfactual virtual learning with fairness for graphical data. It aims to generate counterfactual hypothetical scenarios as well as fairness assessments, and to make unbiased forecasts.

Algorithm: estimates outcomes for different specific attributes using counterfactual hypothetical data. 2. assesses and corrects the bias of the forecasting model in terms of fairness.

3. structural counterfactual GNN (SC-GNN).

Overview: SC-GNNs can be models that generate counterfactual scenarios based on structural changes in the graph. It estimates the impact of adding or deleting nodes and edges in the graph on the results.

Algorithm: generates counterfactual virtual data based on changes to nodes and edges. The GNN is applied to the generated data and the changes in the results are evaluated.

4. Causal Inference GNN (CI-GNN):

Overview: The CI-GNN is a model that incorporates a causal inference framework into a GNN. It assesses the effects of interventions on observed data and estimates causal effects.

Algorithm: modelled graph structure using causal diagrams. Generates counterfactual hypothetical scenarios to estimate the effects of interventions.

5. Generative Adversarial Networks for Counterfactuals (GAN-CF):

Overview: GAN-CF will be a method for generating counterfactual scenarios using generative models and assessing their impact, using a generative adversarial network (GAN) to learn the distribution of observed data and counterfactual data.

Algorithm: using a generative model, generates counterfactual hypothetical data reflecting the effects of the intervention. The generated data is used to predict and assess causality in the GNN.

Papers related to these include.”Learning Causality with Graphs“、”Counterfactual Fairness on Graphs“、”Learning from Counterfactual Links for Link Prediction“、”Learning Representations for Counterfactual Inference“、”Counterfactual Image Generation for adversarially robust and interpretable Classifiers

Counterfactual hypothetical learning with GNNs is a powerful method for assessing the impact of interventions on observed data, and the above algorithm combines the causal inference and GNN techniques described in “Statistical causal inference and causal search” to generate and assess counterfactual hypothetical scenarios in graphical data. Using these techniques, it is possible to predict the outcomes of different intervention scenarios and to identify causal relationships.

Application of counterfactual virtual learning using graph neural networks.

Counterfactual learning using graph neural networks (GNNs) has been applied in various fields. Specific examples of their application are described below.

1. social network analysis:

Case study: preventing the spread of fake news
Problem: To prevent the spread of fake news on social networks, predict the pattern of information spread when certain users behave differently.
Method: modelling the structure of social networks using GNNs and estimating the pattern of spreading when interventions are made for specific users (e.g. not sharing certain news) using counterfactual learning.
Solution: Identify key users of fake news proliferation and propose measures to effectively prevent proliferation through appropriate interventions for these users.

2. healthcare:

Case study: predicting the effectiveness of patient treatment
Problem: to predict the impact of different treatment modalities on the future health status of a patient.
Method: represent patient data as a graph and model relationships between patients using GNNs. Anti-realistic hypothetical learning is performed with a specific treatment method as intervention and the effects of different treatment scenarios are compared.
Solution: assess the impact of a specific treatment on different patient groups and suggest optimal treatment strategies.

3. financial:

Case study: credit risk assessment
Problem: To predict the credit risk of a particular customer in different economic environments and behaviours.
Method: Construct a graph with customer data as nodes and business relationships and credit history as edges; use GNNs to model relationships between customers and assess credit risk under different economic environments in counterfactual scenarios.
Solution: assess risk under different economic scenarios for more accurate credit risk management.

4. supply chain management:

Case study: optimising a logistics network
Problem: To assess the impact of specific changes in a logistics network (e.g. additional distribution centres or rerouting) on the overall efficiency.
Method: represent the logistics network as a graph and model the overall network structure using GNNs. Specific interventions are simulated using counterfactual learning to determine the optimum logistics strategy.
Solution: Derive an optimal strategy to maximise the efficiency of the entire logistics network.

5. education:

Case Study: evaluation of learning effectiveness.
Problem: to assess the impact of a specific educational intervention (e.g. introduction of a new educational programme) on the learning effectiveness of students.
Method: Representing student data as a graph and modelling relationships between students using GNNs. The introduction of a new educational programme is evaluated in a counterfactual hypothetical scenario to estimate the learning effects.
Solution: Evaluate the effectiveness of new educational programmes and propose more effective teaching strategies.

Counterfactual hypothetical learning using GNNs has been applied in diverse fields and is a powerful tool for evaluating the impact of interventions and changes. Applications in social networks, healthcare, finance, supply chain management and education show that the combination of GNNs and counterfactual virtual learning enables causal inference on data with complex relationships and contributes to solving real-world problems.

Example implementation of counterfactual virtual learning using graph neural networks.

An example of an implementation of counterfactual hypothetical learning using a graph neural network (GNN) is given below. In this example, a simple social network dataset is used to implement a scenario in which a particular node (user) has different attributes (e.g. interest or influence) to predict the outcome.

Libraries used:

torch: the main PyTorch library
torch_geometric: library for graph neural networks

First, install the required libraries.

pip install torch torch_geometric

Dataset preparation: a simple social network dataset is used in this case. The following is the preparation of a sample dataset.

import torch
import torch_geometric
from torch_geometric.data import Data

# Number of nodes
num_nodes = 5

# Node features (e.g. vector of user interests)
x = torch.tensor([
    [0.1, 0.5],
    [0.2, 0.4],
    [0.3, 0.7],
    [0.4, 0.1],
    [0.5, 0.9]
], dtype=torch.float)

# Edge lists (e.g. follow-up relationships)
edge_index = torch.tensor([
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0],
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 4]
], dtype=torch.long)

# Creation of graphical data
data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index)

Defining the model: next, the GNN model is defined. Here, a simple GCN (Graph Convolutional Network) is used.

import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv

class GCN(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(GCN, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = GCNConv(2, 16)
        self.conv2 = GCNConv(16, 2)

    def forward(self, data):
        x, edge_index = data.x, data.edge_index
        x = self.conv1(x, edge_index)
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = self.conv2(x, edge_index)
        return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)

Generating counterfactual virtual scenarios: generating counterfactual virtual scenarios by changing the attributes of specific nodes.

def generate_counterfactual(data, node_idx, new_feature):
    counterfactual_data = data.clone()
    counterfactual_data.x[node_idx] = new_feature
    return counterfactual_data

# Example: change the attributes of node 0
new_feature = torch.tensor([0.9, 0.9], dtype=torch.float)
counterfactual_data = generate_counterfactual(data, 0, new_feature)

Learning the model and counterfactual hypothetical predictions: the model is then trained to predict counterfactual hypothetical scenarios.

from torch_geometric.loader import DataLoader

# Data loader for learning
train_loader = DataLoader([data], batch_size=1, shuffle=True)

# Definition of models and optimisers
model = GCN()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, weight_decay=5e-4)

# learning
for epoch in range(200):
    for batch in train_loader:
        out = model(batch)
        loss = F.nll_loss(out, torch.tensor([0, 1, 1, 0, 1]))  # sample label

# Predictions for the original data
original_out = model(data)
print("Original prediction:", original_out)

# Prediction for counterfactual and virtual data.
counterfactual_out = model(counterfactual_data)
print("Counterfactual prediction:", counterfactual_out)

In the above example, counterfactual virtual learning is implemented using GNNs for a simple social network dataset. Here, a counterfactual hypothetical scenario is generated by changing the attributes of a particular node and predicting its outcome. In this way, it is possible to assess the impact of a particular intervention or change on the entire network through counterfactual hypothetical learning using GNNs.

Challenges and Solution for counterfactual virtual learning using graph neural networks.

Counterfactual learning with graph neural networks (GNNs) has several challenges and several countermeasures to address them.


1. data imbalance: in graph data, the edge density between nodes and the distribution of node features may be unbalanced.

2. sampling bias: some nodes and edges may be sampled more frequently than others, potentially introducing bias in the training of the model.

3. causal identification: it can be difficult to accurately identify causal relationships between nodes, especially when there is a complex network structure or the influence of external factors.


1. data extension: use appropriate data extension techniques to address data imbalances. Methods could include changing parts of the graph while retaining the topology of the graph, or adding noise to the graph.

2. improve sampling techniques: use appropriate sampling techniques to reduce biased sampling. For example, weighted sampling or negative example sampling can be used to reduce bias.

3. use causal inference techniques: use causal inference techniques to accurately identify causal relationships. Clearly identify causal relationships in the network and assess their impact based on the construction of causal graphs and the estimation of causal effects.

4. utilise domain knowledge: utilise domain knowledge to identify causal relationships and build models appropriately. Incorporating domain knowledge for specific nodes and edges can improve the performance of the model.

5. evaluate and validate models: ensure that models are adequately evaluated and validated. Evaluate the generalisation performance of the model using cross-validation and test sets, and select appropriate hyper-parameters and architectures.

Reference Information and Reference Books

For more information on graph data, see “Graph Data Processing Algorithms and Applications to Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Tasks. Also see “Knowledge Information Processing Techniques” for details specific to knowledge graphs. For more information on deep learning in general, see “About Deep Learning.

Reference book is

Hands-On Graph Neural Networks Using Python: Practical techniques and architectures for building powerful graph and deep learning apps with PyTorch

Graph Neural Networks: Foundations, Frontiers, and Applications“等がある。

Introduction to Graph Neural Networks

Graph Neural Networks in Action

