Overview of Drift-detection-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning and examples of algorithms and implementations

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Overview of Drift-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Drift-detection-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning (Drift-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning) is a method for detecting differences between expert and agent behaviour and estimating a reward function that minimises those differences. In ordinary inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) described in “Overview of Inverse Reinforcement Learning and Examples of Algorithms and Implementations“, the expert’s behaviour is learned directly and the reward function is estimated based on it, and if the expert’s behaviour and the agent’s behaviour differ, it becomes difficult to estimate the reward function accurately, whereas in drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning, the expert and The difference (drift) in the behaviour of the agent is detected and the reward function is estimated such that the drift is minimised.

An overview of drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning is given below.

1. calculating the difference between the expert’s behaviour and the agent’s behaviour: drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning calculates the difference between the expert’s behaviour and the agent’s behaviour. This can be computed in different ways, such as by the distribution of behaviours or feature differences.

2. minimising drift: training the agent using the estimated reward function, so that the agent’s behaviour matches the expert’s behaviour as closely as possible. This minimises the drift of the agent’s behaviour and ensures that the estimated reward function is more accurate.

3. updating the reward function: after a drift is detected, the reward function is re-estimated. This process is repeated until the behaviour of the expert and the agent become aligned.

Drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning improves the estimation of the reward function by explicitly addressing the differences between expert and agent behaviour, allowing for more accurate policy learning.

Algorithms related to drift-detection-based inverse reinforcement learning.

The following outlines the basic algorithm for drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning.

1. computation of drift: first, the drift, which is the difference between the expert’s behaviour and the agent’s behaviour, is computed. This can be calculated in different ways, such as distance of the distribution of behaviours or differences in feature values.

2. estimating the reward function: the reward function is estimated such that the drift is minimised. This ensures that the agent’s behaviour matches the expert’s behaviour as closely as possible.

3. learning the agent’s policy: the estimated reward function is used to learn the agent’s policy. This ensures that the agent’s behaviour is closer to the expert’s behaviour. 4.

4. updating the reward function: as the agent’s policy improves, the reward function is estimated again. This process is repeated until the agent’s behaviour is as close as possible to the expert’s behaviour.

5. check for convergence: check whether the algorithm has converged and set termination conditions if necessary. Convergence is usually considered to have occurred when the change in the reward function or policy becomes small.

The algorithm for drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning sees the difference between the behaviour of the expert and the agent as drift and estimates the reward function such that the difference is minimised, thereby effectively learning the policy.

Drift-detection-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning application examples.

Drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning has been applied in various domains. Examples of its application are described below.

1. robot learning: drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning is used in robot control and behaviour learning. By estimating the reward function from the expert robot’s movements and learning the agent’s policy, the robot’s operation can be improved, e.g. when learning how to grasp and manipulate objects.

2. behaviour control of automated vehicles: drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning is used in behaviour control of automated vehicles. It can learn safety- and efficiency-aware driving behaviour from the behaviour of expert drivers, thereby making the operation of self-driving vehicles as similar as possible to human driving.

3. video game AI learning: drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning is used in video game AI learning. Optimal in-game behaviour can be learnt from the behaviour of expert players, thereby making AI players behave more like humans.

4. traffic flow modelling: drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning is used in traffic flow modelling. Models for traffic flow control and traffic simulation can be estimated from expert driver behaviour.

Example implementation of Drift-detection-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning.

Implementations of drift-detection-based inverse reinforcement learning (Drift-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning) vary depending on the specific task and environment, but examples of implementations based on common techniques are given. In the following example, the basic algorithm for drift-detection-based inverse reinforcement learning is implemented using Python and NumPy.

import numpy as np

class DriftBasedIRL:
    def __init__(self, expert_trajectories, agent_trajectories, num_features, learning_rate=0.01, gamma=0.99, num_iterations=1000, tolerance=1e-5):
        self.expert_trajectories = expert_trajectories
        self.agent_trajectories = agent_trajectories
        self.num_features = num_features
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.num_iterations = num_iterations
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.weights = np.zeros(num_features)
    def compute_feature_expectation(self, trajectories):
        feature_expectation = np.zeros(self.num_features)
        for trajectory in trajectories:
            for state, action in trajectory:
                features = self.compute_features(state)
                feature_expectation += features
        return feature_expectation / len(trajectories)
    def compute_features(self, state):
        # Functions to compute features from states.
        features = np.zeros(self.num_features)
        # Implement feature calculation logic.
        return features
    def compute_drift(self):
        expert_expectation = self.compute_feature_expectation(self.expert_trajectories)
        agent_expectation = self.compute_feature_expectation(self.agent_trajectories)
        return expert_expectation - agent_expectation
    def update_weights(self):
        for _ in range(self.num_iterations):
            drift = self.compute_drift()
            self.weights += self.learning_rate * drift
            if np.linalg.norm(drift) < self.tolerance:
    def get_reward(self, state):
        features = self.compute_features(state)
        return np.dot(features, self.weights)

In this implementation, the DriftBasedIRL class performs drift detection-based inverse reinforcement learning. The main methods are as follows.

  • compute_feature_expectation: compute feature expectation from trajectories.
  • compute_drift: compute the difference between expert and agent feature values.
  • update_weights: update the weights of the reward function.
  • get_reward: compute the reward for a state.
Challenges and remedies for Drift-detection-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning.

Drift-detection-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning (Drift-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning) has several challenges and several measures have been proposed to address these.


1. complexity of computing drift: accurately computing drift, the difference between expert and agent behaviour, is often a complex task and can be difficult, especially in high-dimensional state and action spaces.

2. uncertainty in the reward function: there is uncertainty in the estimated reward function, which can affect the accuracy of drift detection. This is particularly problematic when expert data is limited or when there are changes in the environment.

3. over-fitting: drift-detection-based inverse reinforcement learning attempts to minimise the differences between expert and agent behaviour, and there is a risk of over-fitting. Without the use of appropriate regularisation and constraints, the estimated reward function does not generalise properly.


1. improve the efficiency of drift calculations: use approximation and speed-up methods to improve the efficiency of drift calculations. Computational efficiency is particularly important when dealing with high-dimensional feature spaces and large datasets.

2. accounting for uncertainty in the reward function: use Bayesian approaches and probabilistic methods to account for uncertainty in the estimated reward function. This allows the reliability of the estimated reward function to be assessed and decision-making to take uncertainty into account.

3. appropriate regularisation: use appropriate regularisation or constraints to prevent over-fitting. For example, applying L1 or L2 regularisation to the weights of the reward function can control the complexity of the model and improve generalisation performance.

References and Reference Books

Details of reinforcement learning are described in “Theories and Algorithms of Various Reinforcement Learning Techniques and Their Python Implementations. Please also refer to this page.

A reference book is “Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, Second Edition.

Deep Reinforcement Learning with Python: With PyTorch, TensorFlow and OpenAI Gym

Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation

