Overview of the trace norm and related algorithms and implementation examples

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Trace norm overview

The trace norm (or nuclear norm) is a type of matrix norm, which can be defined as the sum of the singular values of a matrix. It plays a particularly important role in low-rank approximations of matrices and in matrix minimisation problems.

The trace norm \( ||A|||_* \) for a given \( m \times n \) matrix \( A \) is defined by the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the matrix \( A \), also described in “Overview of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Algorithm and Implementation Examples“. The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the matrix \( A \) is defined as follows.

\[ ||A||_* = \sum_{i=1}^{\min(m, n)} \sigma_i \]

where \sigma_i \) represents the singular values of the matrix \( A \), where the singular values are the elements of the diagonal matrix obtained when the matrix \( A \) is decomposed into singular values.

The characteristics of the trace norm are as follows.

1. approximation of low-rank matrices: the trace norm is used as a regularisation term to reduce the rank of a matrix. This is useful when it is computationally difficult to minimise the rank of the matrix directly.

2. convexity: the trace norm is a convex function, a property that makes it tractable in optimisation problems. For this reason, optimisation problems using the trace norm can often be solved efficiently.

3. sparsity of matrices: the trace norm does not take into account the sparsity of matrices. Therefore, it is often used in conjunction with other norms (e.g. the ᦙ(ᦙ) norm) for the analysis of sparse matrices.

The calculation of the trace norm is achieved by performing a singular value decomposition (SVD) of the matrix and taking the sum of its singular values. Specifically, the procedure is as follows.

1. perform a singular value decomposition of the matrix \( A \)
\[ A = U \Sigma V^T \]] 2. obtain the diagonal components of the singular value matrix \( \Sigma \)
3. calculate the sum of singular values.

The trace norm has the following characteristics when compared to other norms.

– Frobenius norm: the Frobenius norm described in “Overview of the Frobenius norm and examples of algorithms and implementations” is defined as the square root of the sum of squares of the singular values, whereas the trace norm is the sum of the singular values. Therefore, the trace norm more directly reflects the distribution of singular values.

– Spectral norm: The spectral norm is calculated based on the maximum singular value, whereas the trace norm is the sum of all singular values.

The trace norm is very useful in low-rank approximation of matrices and regularisation problems, in particular, it is widely used as a regularisation term to reduce the rank of a matrix, making it a method applied in many fields such as machine learning, data science and image processing.

Algorithms related to the trace norm

Algorithms related to the trace norm, mainly focusing on matrix low-rank approximation and matrix completion problems, include.

1. matrix completion using stochastic gradient descent (SGD):

In the matrix completion problem, minimising the trace norm to complete a given incomplete data matrix is a common practice. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) can be one efficient method for this purpose.

1. initialise the initial matrix \( X \) randomly
2. successively update the entries of the matrix based on the observed entries.
3. update the matrix by calculating the gradient of the trace norm in the update step.

Pseudo code:

function MatrixCompletionSGD(R, known_entries, λ, α, iterations):
initialize X randomly
for iter = 1 to iterations:
for (i, j) in known_entries:
error = R[i][j] - X[i][j]
for k = 1 to rank:
X[i][k] = X[i][k] + α * (error * X[j][k] - λ * sign(X[i][k]))
X[j][k] = X[j][k] + α * (error * X[i][k] - λ * sign(X[j][k]))
return X

2. nuclear norm minimisation (NNM):

Nuclear norm minimisation (NNM) is a method for approximating low-rank matrices by minimising the trace norm of the matrix. It is used for tasks such as matrix completion and dimensionality reduction.

1. perform singular value decomposition (SVD) of the matrix.
2. perform singular value thresholding (soft thresholding);
3. reconstruct the matrix.


function NuclearNormMinimization(A, λ):
(U, Σ, V) = SVD(A)
Σ_thresholded = max(Σ - λ, 0)
return U * Σ_thresholded * V^T

3. alternating least squares (ALS):

Alternate Least Squares (ALS) is another method for low-rank approximation of matrices, which indirectly minimises the trace norm. This method involves factorising the matrix and iteratively finding the optimal factor.

1. initialise the matrix into two low-rank matrices \( W \) and \( H \).
2. update \(W \) and \(H \) alternately.

Pseudo code:

function AlternatingLeastSquares(A, k, λ, iterations):
(m, n) = size(A)
W = random(m, k)
H = random(k, n)
for iter = 1 to iterations:
H = (W^T W + λ I)^{-1} W^T A
W = A H^T (H H^T + λ I)^{-1}
return W, H

4. higher-order orthogonal iterative method (HORP):

Higher-order orthogonal iterative method (HORP) is an iterative method for trace norm minimisation, which is particularly useful for approximating large matrices.

1. initialise a low-rank approximation of the matrix.
2. iteratively perform orthogonal projections and update singular values.

Pseudo code:

function HigherOrderOrthogonalIteration(A, k, iterations):
(m, n) = size(A)
W = random(m, k)
for iter = 1 to iterations:
Z = A * W
W = orthogonalize(Z)
return W

5. proximal gradient method:

The proximal gradient method is an optimisation technique for minimising the trace norm and is an effective approach when the trace norm is used as the regularisation term.

1. minimise the objective function using gradient descent.
2. applying proximal operators at each step and thresholding for singular values.


function ProximalGradientDescent(A, λ, iterations, learning_rate):
X = random(size(A))
for iter = 1 to iterations:
gradient = compute_gradient(X, A)
X = X - learning_rate * gradient
(U, Σ, V) = SVD(X)
Σ_thresholded = max(Σ - λ, 0)
X = U * Σ_thresholded * V^T
return X

These algorithms are powerful tools for matrix completion and low-rank approximation using the trace norm. In particular, nuclear norm minimisation and alternating least squares play an important role in matrix data analysis and machine learning.

Examples of the application of the trace norm

The trace norm (nuclear norm) is used in many application areas and plays an important role due to its properties, especially in low-rank approximation of matrices and data completion problems. The following sections describe specific areas of applicability of the trace norm and how it can be used.

1. matrix completion:

The matrix completion problem requires estimating the missing values of a partially observed matrix, and a widely used method is to complement it as a low-rank matrix by minimising the trace norm. This has been used in cases where only partial user rating data is available, such as in the Netflix recommendation system.

Use case:
– Complementing user ratings in recommendation systems.
– Complementing missing data in sensor networks.

Algorithm example:
\[ \min_X ||X||_* \quad \text{subject to} \quad X_{ij} = A_{ij} \text{ for known } (i,j) \]

2. image processing and computer vision:

In image processing, the trace norm is used for tasks such as image denoising, compression and background removal. In particular, low-rank approximation of images can be used to remove noise while retaining important information.

Use cases:
– Noise reduction: by approximating noisy images as low-rank matrices.
– Image compression: reduce the amount of data by converting high-dimensional image data into a low-rank matrix.

3. data mining and machine learning:

In machine learning, the trace norm is used as a regularisation term in matrices to prevent overlearning. It is also used in many data analysis tasks, such as clustering and dimensionality reduction using low-rank decomposition of matrices.

Use cases:
– Dimensionality reduction: mapping high-dimensional data into a low-dimensional space.
– Clustering: finding clusters by low-rank approximation of data.

\[ \min_{W, H} ||R – WH||_F^2 + \lambda (||W||_* + ||H|||_*) \]

4. signal processing:

In signal processing, the trace norm is used for signal reconstruction and denoising. In particular, low-rank approximations are useful in the reconstruction of missing signals and in the processing of radar signals.

Use cases:
– Reconstruction of missing signals: estimation of the signal in the unobserved part of the signal.
– Analysis of radar signals: modelling the radar signal as a low-rank matrix to remove noise.

5. statistics and bioinformatics:

The trace norm is also used in the analysis of gene expression data and multivariate statistical analysis. Data visualisation and clustering are performed by performing low-rank approximations while preserving the structure of the data.

Use cases:
– Analysis of gene expression data: modelling the relationships between genes as a low-rank matrix and extracting important patterns.
– Multivariate analysis: dimensionality reduction to facilitate understanding of the structure of the data.

6. control theory:

In control theory, a low-rank approximation of the model of a system is used to analyse the system and design controllers. This is important to reduce the complexity of the system and facilitate analysis.

Use case:
– Approximation of the state-space model: low-rank approximation of the state-space model of the system is used to simplify the analysis.
– Design of controllers: use low-rank approximation to design controllers while preserving the system’s characteristics.

Challenges and Solution for trace norm

Although the trace norm (nuclear norm) plays an important role in low-rank approximation and regularisation of matrices, there are some challenges. These are discussed below.


1. high computational cost: the computation of the trace norm requires a singular value decomposition (SVD) of the matrix, which is computationally very expensive for large matrices.

2. Lack of sparsity: the trace norm does not take into account the sparsity of matrices, so information may be lost when applied to sparse matrices.

3. enforcing low-rank constraints: the trace norm enforces low-rank constraints on matrices, making it difficult to apply when the actual data structure is high rank.

4. risk of overfitting: enforcing excessively low-ranked models, especially for small data sets, can lead to overfitting risks.


1. use of efficient computational methods: to reduce the computational cost of singular value decomposition for large matrices, efficient methods are used, such as

– Randomised algorithms: use Randomised SVD (RVD) to reduce the computational cost.

– Partial singular value decomposition: to improve efficiency by computing only the required partial singular values instead of the full singular values.


from sklearn.utils.extmath import randomized_svd

U, Sigma, VT = randomized_svd(A, n_components=k, n_iter=5, random_state=None)

2. regularisation for sparse matrices: for sparse matrices, it can be useful to use regularisation methods that promote sparsity together, such as the \(\ell_1\) regularisation.

\[\min_X ||A – X||_F^2 + \lambda ||X||_* \] Add a sparse regularisation term for
\[\min_X ||A – X||_F^2 + \lambda_1 ||X||_* + \lambda_2 ||X|||_1\]

3. hybrid regularisation methods: build more flexible models by combining the trace norm with other regularisation methods, depending on the structure of the data.

Example: \[\min_X ||A – X|||_F^2 + \lambda_1 ||X||_* + \lambda_2 \text{(Other Regularization)}\]

4. use of cross-validation: to prevent overfitting, cross-validation is used to select the optimal regularisation parameters. This improves the generalisation performance of the model.


from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

param_grid = {'alpha': [0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0]}
grid_search = GridSearchCV(model, param_grid, cv=5)
grid_search.fit(X_train, y_train)
best_model = grid_search.best_estimator_

5. scaling and normalisation of the problem: improving the performance of the model by scaling and normalising the data appropriately to account for matrix scale and noise.

– Scaling the data to mean 0 and variance 1.
– Normalise each matrix entry to the appropriate range.

6. use of the Proximal Gradient Method: the Proximal Gradient Method is an efficient optimisation method for large-scale problems and can be an applicable approach for problems involving trace-norm regularisation.


def proximal_gradient_descent(A, lambda_, iterations, learning_rate):
X = np.random.randn(A.shape[0], A.shape[1])
for _ in range(iterations):
gradient = compute_gradient(X, A)
X = X - learning_rate * gradient
U, Sigma, VT = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)
Sigma = np.maximum(Sigma - lambda_, 0)
X = np.dot(U, np.dot(np.diag(Sigma), VT))
return X
Reference Information and Reference Books

Detailed information on machine learning with sparsity is provided in “Machine Learning with Sparsity. Please refer to that as well.

A reference book is “Sparse Modeling: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications.

Sparse Estimation with Math and R: 100 Exercises for Building Logic

Deep Learning through Sparse and Low-Rank Modeling

Low-Rank and Sparse Modeling for Visual Analysis

