This section discusses ICT technology in the areas indicated below. Click on the table of contents to jump to the corresponding summary.
Fundamental technology (infrastructure, OS, hardware)
About ICT Technology
Today’s computers have greatly improved in both functionality and capability, and can be made to do many different things. It has truly become a box with unlimited possibilities. Here, we will discuss various ICT (Information and Communication Technology) technologies of computers as the backbone to realize the machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies described in this blog.
IT Infrastructure Technologies
IT Infrastructure Technology. Infrastructure means “substructure” and refers to the facilities (water, electricity, gas, roads, etc.) that form the basis of life and industry. infrastructure in IT is the fundamental part of a system that is divided into “application” and “infrastructure” and is further classified into “hardware” and “system It is further classified into “hardware” and “system software. In this section, we will explain OS, servers, hardware, networks, DevOps, cloud computing, etc. as IT infrastructure technologies.
Network Technology
Networking Technology. The Internet has its origins in the ARPANET, whose research began in the late 1960s and was realized in the United States in the early 1970s. It is a mechanism for communicating data, called packets, via multiple machines, and was initially intended to create a fault-tolerant network for military purposes. This evolved into the Internet Protocol Suite, which became the standard technology used worldwide. This section describes this network technology from both the hardware and software perspectives.
Server Technology
Server Technology. A server refers to the service program that displays HTML and objects in a client’s web browser via HTTP and the computer that serves as its execution environment. In a broad sense, it includes programs and computers in general that perform HTTP communications. This section provides an overview of server technology and explains how typical servers such as Apache HTTP Server and nginx work and how to set them up.
Cloud Computing Technology
Cloud Technology. Cloud computing is a technology that allows multiple virtual servers to be set up on a single physical server, enabling efficient server operations in a limited space. In addition to an overview of cloud technology, this section will discuss AWS cloud patterns, automated configuration with Terraform, Docker technology, and container orchestration using Kubernetes.
Operating Systems (Linux, etc.)
Operating System (e.g., Linux). An operating system (OS) is software that manages and controls equipment, provides common functions, and manages the entire system. It is responsible for controlling input/output devices, memory, storage, and networks, and applications operate using OS functions. In addition to an overview of OSs, this section describes the Linux-based CentOS and Ubuntu, and the embedded OSs μTRON and Android.
Hardware in Computers
Hardware in computers. Computers consist of hardware such as processors, memory, storage, and input and output devices. This section describes CPUs such as FPGAs and ASICs, which are closely related to machine learning, and IoT technology, which is tied to artificial intelligence technology.
Software Development & Operations (DevOps & Architecture)
About DevOps
DevOps (Docker, etc.).DevOps is a practice that integrates software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to promote collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement between development and operations teams. This section provides an overview and specific implementation using Docker.
Microservices and multi-agent systems
Microservices and efficient application development and multi-agent systems. Microservices is an architectural style that divides an application into multiple functional services. This section describes its architecture, development style, testing, and maintenance, and describes a concrete implementation using Clojure.
Web technology and UI/UX
Web Technology
Web Technologies.Web technologies are the platforms that support machine learning, AI and DX. Here, we will discuss Internet technologies, HTTP, web servers, browsers, programming such as JavaScript and React, MAMP and CMS (MediaWiki, WordPress), search platforms (Fess, ElasticSearch) implementation and application examples The following information will be explained
User Interface and DataVisualization
User Interface and Data Visualization Technology. Data processing is an act of creating value by visualizing structures, allowing multiple perspectives and interpretations. Visualizing it requires an ingenious user interface. Here, we present examples of diverse UIs based on papers from conferences such as ISWC.
Data management and processing
DB Technology
Database Technology. A database is a system for organizing information and facilitating retrieval and storage, often using a database management system. This enables data manipulation with fewer man-hours than proprietary implementations, and is essential in modern information systems that handle vast amounts of data. Advantages include the ability to utilize a general-purpose data structure, data uniformity, and backup functions. This section introduces various database-related technologies.
Search Technology
Search technology. Simply collecting information is meaningless; a cycle of “collecting,” “searching,” “finding,” “viewing,” and “noticing” is necessary for creative activities. This lecture will explain the “search” technique, or search technology.
Stream Data Technology
Machine learning and system architecture for data streams (time series data). The modern world is full of dynamic data generated from factories, plants, transportation, economics, social networks, etc., rather than static data. These data are generated in real-time in vast quantities and require solutions to detailed problems, such as predicting failures, locating public transportation, and discussing hot topics. Here, we describe a real-time distributed processing framework for handling such stream data, machine learning processing of time-series data, and applications such as smart cities and Industry 4.0.
Security Data Processing
Encryption and Security Technologies and Data Compression Techniques
Encryption and security technologies and data compression techniques. Recent advances in digital technology have facilitated the distribution and sharing of information, while at the same time creating a contradiction between the protection and use of personal and confidential information. To solve this problem, information encryption technology, access control security technology, and data compression technology are becoming increasingly important. This section describes these technologies in detail.
IoT and geospatial information
Geospatial Information Processing
Geospatial Information Processing Technology. Geospatial information refers to location information and information tied to location, and much of the information handled by government is related to location information. By using location information, it is possible to plot it on a map to understand the distribution of information, use GPS to guide people to their destinations, and provide services by linking it to past, present, and future events. This enables new scientific discoveries, business development, and solutions to social problems. Here, as an example of the use of geospatial information, specific methods using QGIS and its combination with R, machine learning, and Bayesian models are described.
Sensor Data and IoT and WoT Technology
Sensor Data & IOT Technology. The use of sensor information is central to IoT technology and targets time-varying, one-dimensional information; IoT approaches include placing sensors on specific objects for detailed analysis and using multiple sensors for anomaly detection. The areas discussed here include IoT standards (e.g., WoT), statistical processing of time series data, hidden Markov models, sensor placement optimization through sub-modular optimization, hardware control such as BLE, and smart cities.