自然言語処理:Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing Technology

An overview of natural language processing as a base technology in digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML)
機械学習:Machine Learning

General Machine Learning and Data Analysis

Overview of machine learning for beginners, differences between types of learning and results, no-free lunch theorem as a frame for machine learning.

Clustering with R – k-means

Machine learning using R, unsupervised, non-hierarchical classification using k-means

hierarchical clustering with R

Machine learning using R, classification with hierarchical clustering function hclust

R Language Preferences

Overview of machine learning using R, setting up the environment and handling data

Reference books on machine learning with R

Overview of machine learning with R, history of R and introduction to reference books
自然言語処理:Natural Language Processing

Openrefine: Data cleansing tool

Overview of openrefine, a natural language processing tool used in DX and the Semantic Web

Protected: Data Compression Algorithms(2)Lossy compression

Data Compression Algorithm Overview, Lossy Data Compression Algorithm, Exclusion Trick, Content Summary
web技術:web technology

Web server and DB integration(1)Setting up a server in Clojure

Implementing a server in Clojure for web server and DB integration, and using Ring to launch a web server
web技術:web technology

Web server and DB integration(2)

Implementing routing in Clojure for web server and DB Implementing routing in Clojure for web server and DB, Ring, Routing with Compojure