Clojure Sentence classification using liblinear and natural language processing Classification in liblinear with Clojure, a natural language processing tool., liblinear, SVM, classification with Clojure 2021.03.17 Clojure機械学習:Machine Learning自然言語処理:Natural Language Processing
幾何学:Geometry Fundamentals of Computer Mathematics Overview of computer mathematics as a basis for artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, functions, sets, probability, simultaneous equations, differentiation, and integration. 2021.03.17 幾何学:Geometry微分積分:Calculus数理論理学:Mathematical logic最適化:Optimization機械学習:Machine Learning確率・統計:Probability and Statistics線形代数:Linear Algebra集合論:Set theory
哲学:philosophy The difference between causation and correlation Consideration of causality and correlation as the basis for models of artificial intelligence and machine learning 2021.03.17 哲学:philosophy数学:Mathematics機械学習:Machine Learning
Uncategorized DEUS EX MACHINA The book starts from the very beginning with educational steps so that even beginners can start. The contents include machine learning, artificial intelligence other than machine learning, programming languages, and other ICT technologies, as well as lifetips based on Zen and Buddhist stories. 2021.03.16 Uncategorized