
Uncertainty and Machine Learning Techniques

What is uncertainty? Uncertainty refers to a state of uncertainty or information in which future events or...

Overview of Hidden Markov Models and various applications and implementations

Machine learning with stochastic models (stochastic generative models) Probabilistic generative models, al...

Overview of mixed integer optimization and its algorithm and implementation in python

  Mixed-Integer Optimization Mixed integer optimization is a type of mathematical optimization and refers...

Overview of the contextual bandit problem and examples of algorithms/implementations

  What is Contextual bandit? Contextual bandit is a type of reinforcement learning and a framework for solving...
web技術:web technology

Overview of Microservices system

Microservices system Microservices is an approach to software development architecture that is character...

On the Road: Ushu Kaido – The Road to Yamagata

  Summary Travel is an act for human beings to visit new places and experience different cultures and histories. Th...

Solving the Mysteries of Life through Mathematics

Mathematics and Life Mathematics is the study of concepts and relationships among quantity, structure, space, ...

Overview of geographic information processing and its various applications and implementation in python

Geographic Information Processing Geographic Information Processing refers to technologies and methods for acqui...

Protected: Model Building and Inference in Bayesian Inference – Overview and Models of Hidden Markov Models

Model building and inference of Bayesian inference for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks - Overview of hidden Markov models and models eigenvalues, hyperparameters, conjugate prior, gamma prior, sequence analysis, gamma distribution, Poisson distribution, mixture models graphical model, simultaneous distribution, transition probability matrix, latent variable, categorical distribution, Dirichlet distribution, state transition diagram, Markov chain, initial probability, state series, sensor data, network logs, speech recognition, natural language processing
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Overview of online forecasting technology and various applications and implementations

About Online Forecasting Online Prediction (Online Prediction) is a method that uses models to make predictio...