

On the beauty common to art and programming

On the beauty common to art and programming

Clojure and Functional Programming

Clojure, a functional programming language that can be used for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Digital Transformation (DX)

Let’s start with Clojure (2)Using leiningen

Starting up an environment for Clojure, a functional programming language that can be used for artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and digital transformation (DX); from starting up Java to homebrew, spacemacs, and leiningen

Let’s start with Clojure (2)Repl and basic programming

Functional programming for beginners; setting up the environment to get started with Clojure, programming and Repl.

Let’s start with Clojure (3) data structure

Functional programming for beginners; setting up the environment to get started with Clojure, programming and data structures.

Natural Language Processing with Clojure

Overview and utilization of clojuer-openNLP, a natural language processing tool in Clojure
web技術:web technology

Web server and DB integration(1)Setting up a server in Clojure

Implementing a server in Clojure for web server and DB integration, and using Ring to launch a web server

Web server and DB integration(3)DB connection and control

DB implementation in Clojure for web server and DB integration, setting up and integration of posgresql

Sentence classification using liblinear and natural language processing

Classification in liblinear with Clojure, a natural language processing tool., liblinear, SVM, classification with Clojure

k-means and Clojure

Natural language processing tools, classification with k-means using Clojure, unsupervised learning