
ICT技術:ICT Technology

Overview of Kubernetes, environment setup, and reference books

Overview and configuration of Kubernetes used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks, reference books (Microservices, Spinnaker, Blue, Containers, Cloud Natives, Skaffold, Clair, Security, BuildKit, Kaniko, Operator, Helm, Chart, Sock Shop, YAML, Prometheus, Grafana, Pod, Minikube)
ICT技術:ICT Technology

Using Docker Preparation before Docker Deployment

Leveraging Docker for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Preparation before Docker deployment (Docker Desktop, Docker CE, Docker EE, kubernetes, Swarm, CoreOS, Atomic Host, RancherOS, Snappy Ubuntu Core)
web技術:web technology

Overview of Container Technology and Docker for Cloud Native

Overview of container technologies that enable cloud-native utilized for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks and Docker container images, build/push functionality, cri-o, container execution, Kubernetes, the containerd, CRI-Containerd, low-level container runtime, high-level container runtime, kernel functionality, Open Container Initiative, OCI, Runtime Specification, Format Specification, Copy-on-Write, COW, cgroups, hierarchies, file systems, namespaces, virtual OS, Paas, Linux
web技術:web technology

Cloud Computing Technology

Cloud Computing Technology Cloud computing will be a service that provides computing resources using multip...
web技術:web technology

Protected: On cloud-native and service-centric development

On cloud-native and service-centric development leveraged for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks inter-organizational, siloed, KPIs, business value, Conway's Law, organizational restructuring, process reform, CNCF Incubating Stage, CNCF Graduate Stage, CNCF Sandbox Stage, Technical Oversight Committee, End User Advisory Board, Cloud Native Application Development, Kubernetes Application Modernization, The Twelve-Factor App, 12 Application Principles, Container Orchestration, APIs, Service Based Architecture, SOA, Service Oriented Architecture, Microservices, Sparse Coupling, Delivery Performance, MTTR, Lead Time, Change Loss Rate, Deployment Frequency, Docker
ICT技術:ICT Technology

What is Docker? Advantages and Challenges, Differences from Virtualization Infrastructure and Architecture Overview

Advantages and challenges of Docker used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, differences from virtualization infrastructure and architecture overview cgroups, resource management tools, virtual files, Linux kernel, Windows, Windows Server, pid namespace, user namespace, uts namespace, net namespace, nmt namespace, ipc namespace, hypervisor type, namespace, virtualization software, WIndows Server Container, non-stop server, mission-critical Live Migration, Capacity Planning, Orchestration, kubernetes, Immutable Infrastructure, Disposable Components, Loosely Coupled, IaaS, Cloud Computing

Deploying and Operating Microservices – Docker and Kubernetes

Deployment and operation of microservices leveraged for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks - Docker and Kubernetes minikube, containers, deployment, kube-ctl, rolling-upgrade, auto-bin packing, horizontal scaling, scale-up, scale-down, self-healing, kubelet, kube-apiserver, etcd, kube-controller- manager, kube- scheduler, pod, kube-proxy, Docker CLI, the Docker Registry, cgroups, Linux kernel, kernel namespace, union mount option, Hypervisor