Algorithm Introduction

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An algorithm represents a process that takes input, processes it in some procedure, and finally returns an output, which can be used in many fields, including computer science, mathematics, physics, economics, and psychology. An algorithm can also be a procedure that clearly defines the steps or method of solving a certain problem.

Algorithms are closely related to mathematics. Mathematics allows us to formalize abstract problems and transform them into concrete problems, which can then be formalized into algorithms. This would specifically be the design of search algorithms, for example, using set theory and logic in discrete mathematics.

Such a mathematical approach is used not only in the development of algorithms, but also in the evaluation of algorithms. Algorithms are evaluated in terms of correctness, efficiency, and generality: a correct algorithm should return the correct output for all inputs; an efficient algorithm should be fast, requiring less processing time and resources; a general-purpose algorithm should be able to process different inputs in the same designed to process different inputs in the same procedure. All of these evaluations have a mathematical representation.

Algorithms are particularly important in computer programming, where many programs operate by executing algorithms designed to solve a particular problem. In programming, designing an algorithm is one of the most fundamental and important steps in the design of a computer program.

This section describes various algorithms and their application methods based on the world-standard MIT textbook series “Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition“.

In this issue, I will describe my reading notes.

Algorithm Introduction

The original work is a comprehensive textbook on computer algorithm theory written by four world-renowned experts in the fundamental field of computer science for teaching at MIT. The previous editions have already established themselves as world-standard textbooks on algorithms and data structures, but the book has been extensively revised once again, including the addition of new chapters and sections based on a complete review of the descriptions to improve the textbook.
The book not only explains algorithms in an easy-to-understand manner, but also explains in scientific detail what concepts are necessary and how they are backed up by analysis before the final algorithm is designed.
The book also contains 957 exercises at the end of each section and 158 problems at the end of each chapter at various levels, making it a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses, a handbook for technical specialists, and an encyclopedia of algorithms.
This book is a complete and comprehensive translation of Chapters 1-35 and Appendices A-D of the original book. The index at the end of the book is also very impressive, and the Japanese-English-English (Japanese) structure makes the book very useful as a “dictionary of mathematical terms.

Part I. Basics


1 Role of Algorithms in Computation

1.1 Algorithms
1.2 Algorithms as a scientific technique

2 Let’s get started

2.1 Insertion Sort
2.2 Analysis of Algorithms
2.3 Designing an Algorithm

3 Incrementing Functions

3.1 Asymptotic Notation
3.2 Standard Notation and General Functions

4 Divide-and-conquer

4.1 Maximum sub-array problem
4.2 Strassen’s algorithm for matrix products
4.3 Substitution methods for solving reduction formulas
4.4 Recurrence tree method for solving reduction formulas
4.5 Master’s method for solving reduction formulas
4.6 Proof of the master theorem

5 Probabilistic Analysis and Random Choice Algorithm

5.1 Employment Problems
5.2 Index Probability Functions
5.3 Random Choice Algorithm
5.4 Further Use of Probabilistic Analysis and Indicator Probability Variables

Part II Sorting and Ordinal Statistics


6 Heap Sorting

6.1 Heap
6.2 Maintaining Heap Conditions
6.3 Heap construction
6.4 Heap Sort Algorithm
6.5 Prioritized Queues

7 Quick Sort

7.1 Quick Sort Description
7.2 Quick Sort Performance
7.3 Random Selection Version of Quick Sort
7.4 Analysis of Quick Sort

8 Linear Time Sort

8.1 Lower Bound for Sorting
8.2 Count Sort
8.3 Cardinality Sort
8.4 Bucket Sort

9 Median and Ordinal Statistics

9.1 Maximum and Minimum Values
9.2 Linear Expected Time Selection Algorithm
9.3 Linear Worst-Case Time Selection Algorithm

part iii data structures


10 Basic Data Structures

10.1 Stacks and Queues
10.2 Coupled Lists
10.3 Pointers and Object Realizations
10.4 Rooted tree representation

11 Hash Tables

11.1 Direct Address Tables
11.2 Hash Tables
11.3 Hash functions
11.4 Open addressing methods
11.5 Complete Hash Method

12 Bicubic Search Tree

12.1 Bicubic Search Trees
12.2 Questions about binary search trees
12.3 Insertion and deletion
12.4 Randomly Constructed Binary Search Trees

13 2-Color Trees

13.1 Properties of 2-Color Trees
13.2 Rotation
13.3 Insertion
13.4 Deletions

14 Data Structure Augmentation

14.1 Dynamic Order Statistics
14.2 Data Structure Augmentation Methods
14.3 Interval Trees

Part IV Advanced Design and Analysis Methods


15 Dynamic Programming Methods

15.1 Rod Cutout
15.2 Chain Matrix Product
15.3 Basic Elements of Dynamic Programming
15.4 Longest common subsequence
15.5 Optimal binary search tree

16 Greedy Algorithms

16.1 Activity Selection Problem
16.2 Basic elements of greedy strategies
16.3 Huffman codes
16.4 Matroids and Greedy Methods
16.5 Task Scheduling as a Matroid

17 Normalization Analysis

17.1 Aggregation method
17.2 The Deliverance Method
17.3 Potential method
17.4 Dynamic Tables

Part V. Advanced Data Structures


18 B-trees

18.1 Definition of a B-tree
18.2 Basic operations on a B-tree
18.3 Deleting Keys from a B-Tree

19 The Finnabotch Heap

19.1 Structure of the Finnabotch Heap
19.2 Mergeable Heap Operations
19.3 Downward Correction of Key Values and Node Deletion
19.4 Increasing the Maximum Degree

20 van Emde Boas Trees

20.1 Preliminary Design Principles
20.2 Recursive Structure
20.3 van Emde Boas trees

21 Data structures for mutually prime set families

21.1 Operations on mutually prime set families
21.2 Representing mutually prime set families by linked lists
21.3 Forests of mutually prime set families
21.4 Analysis of mergers by ranks using path compression

Part VI Graph Algorithms


22 Basic Graph Algorithms

22.1 Representation of graphs
22.3 Breadth-first search
22.4 Depth-First Search
22.4 Topological Sorting
22.5 Strongly Connected Components

23 Minimum Global Tree

23.1 Generating Minimum Global Tree by Growth Method
23.2 Kruski and Prim’s Algorithm

24 Single Starting Point Shortest Problem

24.1 Bellman-Ford Algorithm
24.2 Single Starting Point Shortest Paths in Directed Acyclic Graphs
24.3 Dijkstra’s algorithm
24.4 Difference Constraints and Shortest Paths
24.5 Proof of the shortest path property

25 All-point vs. shortest paths

25.1 Shortest paths and matrix products
25.2 Floyd-Warshall algorithm
25.3 Johnson’s algorithm for sparse graphs

26 Maximum Flow

26.1 Flow networks
26.3 Ford-Fukerson method
26.3 Maximum matching for bipartite graphs
26.4 Push relabeling algorithm
26.5 Re-label front running algorithm

Part VII Selected Topics


27 Multithreading Algorithms

27.1 Fundamentals of dynamic multithreading
27.2 Multithreaded Algorithms for Matrix Operations
27.3 Multithreading for Merge Sorting

28. matrix operations

28.1 Solving linear simultaneous equations
28.2 Inverse matrix computation
28.3 Symmetric positive definite matrices and least-squares approximation

29. linear programming

29.1 Standard form and slack form
29.2 Formulating the Problem as Linear Programming
29.3 Simplex Algorithm
29.4 Duality
29.5 Initial feasible basis solutions

30.1 Polynomials and FFT

30.1 Representation of polynomials
30.2 DFT and FFT
30.3 Efficient FFT representation

31. Integer Theoretic Algorithms

31.1 Basic concepts of integer theory
31.2 Greatest common divisor
31.3 Surplus operations
31.4 Solving first-order congruences
31.5 Chinese Surplus Theorem
31.6 Beki power of an element
31.7 RSA public-key cryptosystem
31.8 Element determination
31.9 Integer prime factorization

32.1 String matching

32.1 Rustic String Query Algorithm
32.2 Rabin-Krap algorithm
32.3 String Matching Using Finite Automata
32.4 Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm

33. computational geometry

33.1 Line segment properties
33.2 Line intersection determination
33.3 Convex hull construction
33.4 Finding nearest neighbor pairs

34. NP-completeness

34.1 Polynomial Time
34.2 Polynomial-Time Verification
34.3 NP-completeness and reversibility
34.4 Proving NP-completeness
34.5 NP-complete problems

35. Approximation Algorithms

35.1 Trillion point covering problem
35.2 Traveling salesman problem
25.3 Set covering problem
35.4 Random selection
35.5 Partial sum problem

Appendix Mathematical Foundations

A. Sums

A.1 Formulas and properties of sums
A.2 Upper and lower bounds for sums

B Sets, etc.

B.1 Sets
B.2 Relations
B.3 Functions
B.4 Graphs
B.5 Trees

C Counting and Probability

C1 Counting
C2 Probability
C3 Discrete random variables
C4 Geometric and Binomial Distributions
C5 Hem of binomial distribution

D. Matrices

D1 Matrices and Matrix Operations
D2 Basic properties of matrices

