Overview of EfficientDet and examples of algorithms and implementations

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EfficientDet will be one of the computer vision models with high performance in the object detection task; EfficientDet is designed to balance model efficiency and accuracy, and will provide superior performance with fewer computational resources. Below is a summary of EfficientDet’s main features.

1. EfficientNet-based: 

EfficientDet is based on a network architecture called EfficientNet. EfficientNet, described in “About EfficientNet” is designed to combine width, depth, and resolution scaling to achieve high performance while increasing model efficiency.

2. scaling:

EfficientDet uses multiple scaling factors to allow for tuning of model accuracy and computational cost. By adjusting the model scale, models can be built to fit different computational resources.

3. Compound Scaling:

Compound Scaling is a method of simultaneously scaling the width, depth, and resolution of a model. This provides a better balance between model efficiency and accuracy.

4. Backbone Network:

Typically, EfficientDet uses EfficientNet as its backbone, which is suitable for object detection due to its superior feature extraction capabilities as the backbone of a convolutional neural network.

5.Object Detection Head:

As an object detection head, EfficientDet predicts object bounding boxes and class scores from multi-scale feature maps. This allows for detection of different object sizes.

6. semantic segmentation:

Some EfficientDet variants also support semantic segmentation (pixel-by-pixel segmentation of all object classes in an image), as described in “Overview of Segmentation Networks and Implementation of Different Algorithms“.

EfficientDet is an approach that is gaining attention as a powerful alternative for performing object detection tasks in computationally cost-constrained environments. In addition, multiple versions of EfficientDet are available and can be selected to suit different computational resources, making it applicable to many applications.

Specific procedures for EfficientDet

The following is an overview of EfficientDet’s specific procedures.

1. dataset preparation:

First, a training dataset for object detection is collected and annotated with object location information (bounding box) and object class for each image. The dataset is divided into training, validation, and test sets.

2. backbone network:

EfficientDet uses a backbone network such as EfficientNet for efficient feature extraction. The backbone will typically be loaded with pre-trained weights.

3. object detection head:

The backbone network is followed by object detection heads. The object detection head predicts object bounding boxes and class scores from feature maps at different scales; EfficientDet can detect different object sizes at different scales.

4. loss function:

A loss function is computed by comparing the predicted bounding box and class score with the annotations. Typical loss functions include bounding box location loss (usually IoU-based loss) and class prediction loss (usually cross-entropy described in “Overview of Cross-Entropy and Related Algorithms and Implementation Examples,”).

5. training:

When ready, the EfficientDet model is trained. The weights of the model are adjusted by backpropagation to fit the training data set.

7 Inference:

Once training is complete, the EfficientDet model is used to perform object detection on the new image. The model provides predictions of bounding box location and object class.

8 Non-maximum suppression (NMS):

Non-maximum suppression (NMS) is applied to the inference results to remove duplicate detections and produce the final object detection result.

The specific implementation of EfficientDet is done using a deep learning framework (usually TensorFlow or PyTorch). It will also be common to adjust the hyperparameters of the model and training strategy to suit the object detection task.

Example implementation of EfficientDet

EfficientDet implementation is done using a deep learning framework (such as TensorFlow or PyTorch). Below is a general procedure for implementing EfficientDet and a simple example using TensorFlow.

  1. Dataset Preparation:
    • Collect training datasets for object detection and annotate each image with bounding boxes and class labels. Common dataset formats include COCO, PASCAL VOC, etc.
  2. Backbone network load:
    • Load the pre-trained weights of the EfficientDet backbone (usually EfficientNet). This prepares the underlying network for feature extraction.
  3. Object detection head construction:
    • An object detection head (part of the EfficientDet network) will be constructed. The object detection head will be a neural network for predicting bounding box locations and class scores.
  4. Definition of loss function:
    • The loss function is defined by comparing the predicted bounding box and class score with the annotation. Typically, it includes location loss (IoU-based loss) and class prediction loss (cross-entropy).
  5. Training:
    • When ready, train the model. The dataset is used to adjust the weights of the backbone network and object detection heads. Training is done batch by batch and proceeds to minimize the loss of detection and class prediction within a mini-batch.
  6. Inference:
    • Once training is complete, use the model to perform object detection. Pass the image to the model to obtain the bounding box and class score.
  7. Non-maximum suppression (NMS):
    • Non-maximum suppression (NMS) is applied to the inference results to remove duplicate detections and produce the final object detection results.

The following is a simple example of EfficientDet implementation using TensorFlow.

import tensorflow as tf
from efficientdet import EfficientDet  # Importing Models

# Model Loading
model = EfficientDet(num_classes=80)  # Set according to the number of classes

# Write code to train and infer models

# Example of inference
image = tf.image.decode_image(tf.io.read_file('sample.jpg'))
image = tf.image.resize(image, (512, 512))  # Resize to fit input size
image = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0)  # Add batch size dimension
detections = model.predict(image)

# Apply NMS to remove duplicate detections
filtered_detections = tf.image.combined_non_max_suppression(
    boxes=tf.squeeze(detections['detection_boxes'], axis=0),
    scores=tf.squeeze(detections['detection_scores'], axis=0),

# Processing detection results
for detection in filtered_detections:
    print(f"Class: {detection['classes']}, Score: {detection['scores']}, BBox: {detection['boxes']}")

In this example, the EfficientDet model is loaded and the training and inference procedures are shown.

The Challenge for EfficientDet

While EfficientDet has excellent performance, there are some challenges and limitations. The main challenges of EfficientDet are described below.

1. computational cost:

EfficientDet is a computationally expensive model, requiring more computing resources, especially for high-resolution input images. This means that it is not suitable for edge devices or real-time applications.

2. insufficient data:.

Large data sets are required, and model performance may be constrained by insufficient data. Training becomes difficult, especially when specific classes or features are rare.

3. training time:

Training EfficientDet can take a long time, require many iterations, and require large datasets and computational resources.

4. detection of small objects:

Detecting small objects can be challenging. Measures such as rescaling and data expansion are needed to improve model performance.

5 Semantic Segmentation:

EfficientDet generally focuses on object detection and may not be suitable for semantic segmentation. Pixel-by-pixel segmentation of objects requires more specialized models.

6. model size: the size of the model:

To achieve high performance, EfficientDet models can be large in size, which can create resource constraints in deployment.

Various approaches have been taken to address these challenges, including model optimization, data expansion, use of pre-trained models, and optimal use of computational resources. Selecting the appropriate version of EfficientDet is also important, as various versions of EfficientDet (e.g., EfficientDet-D0 to EfficientDet-D7) are available and can be selected to suit the task and resources.

Measures to address the EfficientDet issue

To address the EfficientDet issue, the following measures can be considered

1. reduction of computational cost:

Model reduction: Computational cost can be reduced by using smaller model architectures, and by choosing between different versions of EfficientDet (e.g., D0 to D7), the trade-off between performance and cost can be adjusted. For more information on model weight reduction, see also “Model Weight Reduction through Pruning, Quantization, etc“.
Hardware acceleration: Hardware acceleration, such as GPUs and TPUs, can be used to increase inference speed. See also “Hardware in Computers” for more information.

2. coping with data scarcity:

Transfer Learning: The problem of insufficient data can be addressed by using pre-trained models and capturing common features. This allows training high-performance models with less data. For more information on transfer learning, see also “Overview of Transfer Learning with Algorithms and Example Implementations.
Synthetic Data Generation: The dataset can be extended by modifying existing data and synthesizing new data. See also “Small Data Machine Learning Approaches and Examples of Various Implementations” for more details.

3. training time reduction:

Distributed training: Multiple GPUs or multiple machines can be used to parallelize training and reduce training time. See also “Overview of Parallel and Distributed Processing in Machine Learning and Examples of On-Premises and Cloud Implementations” for more details.
Mini-Batch Size Adjustment: Adjust the mini-batch size to improve training efficiency. See also “Overview of Online Learning and Various Algorithms, Application Examples, and Specific Implementations” for more details.

4. small object detection:

High-resolution feature map: A portion of the backbone network is set to high resolution to allow capturing detailed information on small objects. See “Detecting Small Objects with Image Pyramids and High Resolution Feature Maps in Image Detection” for more details.
Image Pyramid: Allows detection of small objects using images at multiple scales. See “Detecting Small Objects with Image Pyramids and High Resolution Feature Maps in Image Detection” for more details.

5. Semantic Segmentation:

Combination with Semantic Segmentation Model: Combine EfficientDet with a semantic segmentation model to perform segmentation and object detection simultaneously. For more information on semantic segmentation, see also “Overview of Segmentation Networks and Implementation of Various Algorithms“.

6. model size reduction:

Model pruning: Reduces model size by removing unnecessary weights from the model. For more details, please refer to the section on “Reducing Model Weight by Pruning, Quantization, etc“.
Quantization: Quantizes model parameters to integer values to reduce model size. For more information, see “Lightweighting Models through Pruning, Quantization, etc“.

Reference Information and Reference Books

For details on image information processing, see “Image Information Processing Techniques.

Reference book is “Image Processing and Data Analysis with ERDAS IMAGINE

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