Application Development

IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Leveraging Apache Spark for Distributed Data Processing – Developing and Executing Applications

Leveraging Apache Spark to enable distributed data processing for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks -Application development and execution (forced termination, yarn-client mode, yarn-cluster mode, YARN, and YARN) management commands, cluster, python, Clojure, Shell, AWS, Glue, sparkplug, spark-shell, spark-submit, Nodemanager, HDFS, Spark applications, Scala, sbt, plugin.sbt, build.sbt build.sbt, build, sbt-assembly plugin, JAR file)

Protected: Web page development using Laravel (4) Service container

About service containers and binding for application development using Laravel, a PHP framework for building web applications used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning tasks.

Geospatial Information Processing

Free software for geospatial information that can be used for digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks (QGIS), R) and information on the development of business and other applications.