artificial intelligence

人工知能:Artificial Intelligence

What is meaning (1)

Artificial Intelligence (Robots) and the Meaning of Words from a Philosophical Perspective, Semantic and Formal Approaches
Symbolic Logic

Basic technology for digital game AI (time-based recognition technology)

Overview of game AI for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology, time recognition technology, auto-planning, goal-oriented planning, time-scale hierarchy technology, chain-type planning.
Symbolic Logic

Digital game AI Technology(spatial recognition technology)

Game AI overview, spatial recognition technology, and knowledge representation for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology.
検索技術:Search Technology

Search tool :ElasticSearch: reference books

Search technology that can be used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). Introduction to elasticsearch technology, the de facto tool for search.
数理論理学:Mathematical logic

Formal Languages and Mathematical Logics

Overview of formal linguistics and semantics as a basis for programming languages and natural language processing
自然言語処理:Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing Technology

An overview of natural language processing as a base technology in digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML)
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Bayesian Estimation and Information Theory

Bayesian estimation and information theory for artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP), from de Moivre's probability theory to Bayesian probability and Shannon's information engineering and tools for Bayesian estimation (STAN)
課題解決:Problem solving

Overview and practice of KPIs, KGIs and OKRs for problem analysis

Overview and practice of KPIs, KGIs and OKRs for problem analysis and problem solving for digital transformation, machine learning and artificial intelligence (top-down, bottom-up, POC, Fermi estimation, number of customer visits, number of articles sent, response from inquiries, number of new contacts, sales promotion implementation by stores, KRI, KSF, KFI)

Search Technology

Of the three key elements of information processing, "gathering," "searching," "looking," "gazing," and "noticing," I gave an overview of "searching" technology and its future based on the literature titled "New Horizons in Search.