ICT技術:ICT Technology

Automata and state transitions/Petri nets, automatic planning and counting problems

Automata and state transitions/petri nets and automatic planning utilized for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks digital game AI, spatial and temporal awareness, autonomous agents, C4, hierarchical FSM, reflective AI, FSM, GA, behavior trees, Distributed systems, communication protocols, database transactions, parallel systems, workflow models, business process models, digital circuits, programming languages, natural language processing, Turing machines, pushdown automata, Moore-type, Mealy-type, deterministic FSM, DFSM, deterministic finite automata, nondeterministic finite automata, DFA, NFA

History of Digital Game AI(1)(Intelligent Man Machine Interaction)

Game AI overview, reflective AI, structural AI, finite state machines (FSM), genetic algorithms, neural networks for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology.
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Protected: RDBMS and SQL (about SQL)

An overview of relational databases and the SQL language