problem solving

ICT技術:ICT Technology

IA (Intelligence Augmentation) overviews and its application cases

Intelligence Augmentation used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks and its application examples (application examples in the agriculture sector, transportation sector, energy sector, defense sector application examples, application examples in the financial industry, application examples in the manufacturing industry, application examples in the educational domain, application examples in the medical domain, perception, understanding, judgment, decision, learning, problem solving, creativity, capability, complementation, amplification)
ICT技術:ICT Technology

About Machine Learning Technology

Machine learning techniques used for digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks

Sun Tzu’s approach has its roots in problem-solving methods.

Sun Tzu's ideas, which are the roots of problem-solving methods (100 victories in 100 battles, advance planning, winning without fighting, five things and seven plans, mausoleum calculation, analysis, objective, visualization)
課題解決:Problem solving

Overview and practice of KPIs, KGIs and OKRs for problem analysis

Overview and practice of KPIs, KGIs and OKRs for problem analysis and problem solving for digital transformation, machine learning and artificial intelligence (top-down, bottom-up, POC, Fermi estimation, number of customer visits, number of articles sent, response from inquiries, number of new contacts, sales promotion implementation by stores, KRI, KSF, KFI)