
Protected: KFAS and fileds in R implementation

Practice of statistical modeling such as Bayesian estimation and spline completion in R, KFAS, fields

Protected: Sparse Modeling and Multivariate Analysis (11) Practical Examples of SVD, PMD, and NMF with R

Sparse Machine Learning, Matrix Decomposition (SVD, PMD, NMF) with R for Digital Transformation (DX), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Solid Line, BiocManager, PMA

Protected: Sparse Modeling and Multivariate Analysis (3) Practical use of lasso with glmnet and genlasso

About sparse models used for data dimensionality reduction and explanation of machine learning models, implementation of Lasso using R, genlasso and glmnet.

Protected: Decision Tree Algorithm (4) Rule Classification using R

Rule extraction with R using decision tree algorithm, C5.0, and Ripper

Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

Theoretical overview of Principal Component Analysis and its implementation in R

Clustering with R – k-means

Machine learning using R, unsupervised, non-hierarchical classification using k-means

hierarchical clustering with R

Machine learning using R, classification with hierarchical clustering function hclust

R Language Preferences

Overview of machine learning using R, setting up the environment and handling data
機械学習:Machine Learning

Protected: Bayesian Estimation and Information Theory

Bayesian estimation and information theory for artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP), from de Moivre's probability theory to Bayesian probability and Shannon's information engineering and tools for Bayesian estimation (STAN)

Overview and Implementation of the Page Rank Algorithm

Search technology that can be used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). google search engine features page rank algorithm, random surface trick, authority score, memex, and hyperlink.