Reference books

ICT技術:ICT Technology

Overview of Kubernetes, environment setup, and reference books

Overview and configuration of Kubernetes used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks, reference books (Microservices, Spinnaker, Blue, Containers, Cloud Natives, Skaffold, Clair, Security, BuildKit, Kaniko, Operator, Helm, Chart, Sock Shop, YAML, Prometheus, Grafana, Pod, Minikube)
ICT技術:ICT Technology

Overview of Terraform, the infrastructure management tool, Hello World and reference books

Overview of Terraform, an infrastructure management tool used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks, and about Hello World and reference books AWS, Setup, Hello World, Cloud Infrastructure,Environment Settings
機械学習:Machine Learning

Machine Learning Professional Series “Reinforcement Learning” Reading Memo

A reference book on reinforcement learning to observe the current situation and determine what action to take, used in digital transformation ,artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.

Machine Learning Professional Series “Online Machine Learning” Reading Memo

Online learning reference books used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks such as sequential processing of large-scale data.
機械学習:Machine Learning

Machine Learning Prootional Series – Support Vector Machines Reading Notes

Reading notes for a reference book on support vector machines (SVMs), a supervised learning pattern recognition model used for classification and regression in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks.

Machine learning with python

A reference book that explains the theory and characteristics of machine learning used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, and its implementation using python.
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Schema Matching and Mapping

Reference books on schema matching techniques that automatically and efficiently match, exchange, transform, and integrate large data sets from different sources and with different structures.

The Art of Prolog

A reference book on Prolog, a logic programming language with deep connections to artificial intelligence research and computational linguistics.

Reference books on Clojure (general)

Reference books on Clojure (microservices, reactive programming, etc.) for building artificial intelligence and machine learning to be used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks.

Reference books on machine learning with R

Overview of machine learning with R, history of R and introduction to reference books