

Protected: Theory of Noisy L1-Norm Minimization as Machine Learning Based on Sparsity (2)

Theory of noisy L1 norm minimization as machine learning based on sparsity for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks numerical examples, heat maps, artificial data, restricted strongly convex, restricted isometric, k-sparse vector, norm independence, subdifferentiation, convex function, regression coefficient vector, orthogonal complementary space

Protected: What triggers sparsity and for what kinds of problems is sparsity appropriate?

What triggers sparsity and for what kinds of problems is sparsity suitable for sparse learning as it is utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks? About alternating direction multiplier method, sparse regularization, main problem, dual problem, dual extended Lagrangian method, DAL method, SPAMS, sparse modeling software, bioinformatics, image denoising, atomic norm, L1 norm, trace norm, number of nonzero elements

Protected: Theory of Noisy L1-Norm Minimization as Machine Learning Based on Sparsity (1)

Theory of L1 norm minimization with noise as sparsity-based machine learning for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Markov's inequality, Heffding's inequality, Berstein's inequality, chi-square distribution, hem probability, union Bound, Boolean inequality, L∞ norm, multidimensional Gaussian spectrum, norm compatibility, normal distribution, sparse vector, dual norm, Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, Helder inequality, regression coefficient vector, threshold, k-sparse, regularization parameter, inferior Gaussian noise

Hierarchical Temporal Memory and Clojure

Deep learning with hierarchical temporal memory and sparse distributed representation with Clojure for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) tasks

Protected: Meta-analysis in Medical Research Methods of Evidence Integration in Scientific Evidence-Based Medicine

Evidence integration in meta-analysis in science-based medicine as statistical data processing in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks method of moments, maximum likelihood, large sample theory, DerSimonian an Laird estimation, publication bias, network meta-analysis

GPy – A Python-based framework for Gaussian processes

GPy Gaussian regression problem, auxiliary variable method, sparse Gaussian regression, Bayesian GPLVM, latent variable model with Gaussian processes, a Python-based implementation of Gaussian processes, an application of stochastic generative models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Weather Forecasting and Data Science

Weather forecasting and data assimilation for simulation and data science integration for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning task utilization

Protected: Structural Regularization Learning with Submodular Optimization (3)Formulation of the structural regularization problem with submodular optimization

Application of submodular function optimization, an optimization method for discrete information, to structural regularization problems and formulations using submodular optimization (linear approximation and steepest effect methods, accelerated proximity gradient method, FISTA, parametric submodular minimization, and splitting algorithms)

Protected: Maximum Flow and Graph Cutting (2)Maximum Flow Algorithm

Ford-Fulkerson's algorithm and Goldberg-Tarjan's algorithm for the maximum flow problem for directed graphs used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, pre-flow and push methods, increasing path algorithms, and residual networks
Symbolic Logic

Protected: Maximum flow and graph cut (1) Maximum volume and minimum s-t cut

Application of undermodular optimization, an optimization method for discrete information used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, to minimum cut and maximum flow problems for directed graphs