線形代数:Linear Algebra


Overview of the trace norm and related algorithms and implementation examples

Trace norm overview The trace norm (or nuclear norm) is a type of matrix norm, which can be defined as...

Overview of Bayesian Neural Networks and Examples of Algorithms and Implementations

Bayesian Neural Networks Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) are architectures that integrate probabilistic el...

Overview of TTM (Tensor-Train Matrix) and examples of algorithms and implementations.

Overview of TTM (Tensor-Train Matrix) Tensor-Train Matrix (TTM) is a unique representation form of tensor, an ...

Overview of HOOI (High-Order Orthogonal Iteration) and examples of algorithms and implementations.

Overview of HOOI (High-Order Orthogonal Iteration) High-Order Orthogonal Iteration (HOOI) can be one of the me...

Overview of Alternating Least Squares for Matrix Factorisation (ALS-MF) and examples of algorithms and implementations.

Overview of Alternating Least Squares for Matrix Factorization (ALS-MF) Alternating Least Squares for Matrix F...

Overview of Tensor Train Decomposition and examples of algorithms and implementations.

Overview of Tensor Train Decomposition Tensor Train Decomposition (TT decomposition) is one of the methods for...

Overview of non-negative matrix factorisation (NMF) and examples of algorithms and implementations.

Overview of non-negative matrix factorisation (NMF) Non-negative matrix factorisation (Non-negative Matrix Fac...

Overview of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and examples of algorithms and implementations.

Overview of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a method of decomposing a...

Overview of Group Regularization with Duplicates and Examples of Implementations

Overview Overlapping group regularization (Overlapping Group Lasso) is a type of regularization method...

Overview of the Gauss-Zeidel method and examples of algorithms and implementations

Overview of the Gauss-Zeidel method. The Gauss-Zeidel method is one of the iterative methods for finding soluti...