Artificial Intelligence Technology Semantic Web Technology Search Technology DataBase Technology Ontology Technology Digital Transformation Technology User Interface and DataVisualization Workflow & Services. Programming Clojure Database Technologies
In the previous article, we have covered setting up the server. In this article, we will start up the DB and connect and control it using Clojure.
As a DB, we will first target postgresql, a free and open relational database management system (RDMS) with the trademark elephant.
Postgresql is a free and open relational database management system (RDMS) with the trademark of the elephant. a “relational database” is built based on a “relational model”, which is a model based on the assumption that all data is represented by n relationships. (e.g., customer (customer ID, name, address, city, prefecture, zip code, phone number)). The database language (query language) for manipulating and defining data in this RDMS is called SQL.
There are several ways to install postgresql, such as downloading and installing the installer from the official page, or using homebrew on mac. Here I will describe the method using homebrew.
Basic operations are performed in a terminal. The following sample code shows a series of steps from installing postgresql, starting postgresql, creating a database, logging in to the database, creating a table, and inserting/retrieving data.
brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
psql postgres
create database my-db owner=postgres;
Drop database my-db;
psql my-db -U postgres
CREATE TABLE weather (
city varchar(80),
temp_lo int, -- 最低気温
temp_hi int, -- 最高気温
prcp real, -- 降水量
date date --日付
DROP TABLE weather;
INSERT INTO weather ( city, temp_lo, temp_hi) VAKUES (‘tokyo’, 5, 36);
SELECT city FROM weather;
UPDATE weather SET city ‘Osaka’ WHERE id =1 ;
DELETE FROM weather WHERE id = 1;
brew services stop postgresql
As an example, we have created the database “my-db” and the table “weather” in the above operation. Next, we will show how to start up the server, connect to the DB, and exchange data. Before executing the code, it is necessary to start up the db as described above. (Be sure to stop posgres afterwards).
(ns db-test01.core)
(require '[ :as jdbc]
'[java-jdbc.ddl :as ddl]
'[compojure.core :refer [defroutes context GET POST]])
(def db-spec
{:dbtype "postgresql" :dbname "my-db" :host "localhost" :port 5432})
(jdbc/db-do-commands db-spec
(ddl/create-table :member
[:id :serial]
[:name "varchar(20)" "not null"]
[:age :int]
[:address :varchar]))
;; dbへのデータ追加
(jdbc/insert! db-spec :member {:name "nobody"})
(jdbc/insert! db-spec :member {:name "mrbox"})
(jdbc/insert! db-spec :member {:name "alice" :address "wonderland"})
(jdbc/insert! db-spec :member {:name nil})
(jdbc/insert! db-spec :member [:name :address] ["cheshire" nil] ["mad hatter" nil])
;; dbからのデータ確認
(jdbc/query "postgresql://localhost:5432/my-db"
["select *from member"])
;; dbのデータ更新 idが1の年齢を24に変える
(jdbc/update! db-spec :member {:age 24} ["id = ?" 1])
;; データ取得(2)
(jdbc/query db-spec "select * from member")
(jdbc/query db-spec ["select * from member where id = ?" 1])
(jdbc/query db-spec ["select * from member where id = ?" 2])
(jdbc/db-do-commands db-spec (jdbc/drop-table-ddl :fruit))
(jdbc/db-do-commands db-spec (jdbc/drop-table-ddl :member))
(jdbc/query db-spec "select * from fruit")
(jdbc/db-do-commands db-spec
(ddl/create-table :fruit
[:name "varchar(16)" "PRIMARY KEY"]
[:appearance "varchar(32)"]
[:cost :int "NOT NULL"]
[:unit "varchar(16)"]
[:grade :real]))
(jdbc/insert! db-spec :fruit
nil ; column names omitted
["Red Delicious" "dark red" 20 "bushel" 8.2]
["Plantain" "mild spotting" 48 "stalk" 7.4]
["Kiwifruit" "fresh" 35 "crate" 9.1]
["Plum" "ripe" 12 "carton" 8.4])
The following is a sample code that connects to the db set up in “db setup”, creates multiple tables, inserts data, and searches.
In the next article, I would like to take a little detour and discuss database technology.