ISWC2002 Papers

Artificial Intelligence Technology Semantic Web Technology Reasoning Technology Collecting AI Conference Papers Ontology Technology Machine Learning Digital Transformation Technology Knowledge Information Processing Technology
ISWC2002 Papers

From international conference on Semantic Web technology, one of the artificial intelligence technologies for handling knowledge information.

A collection of papers from the first international Semantic Web conference. Many of the papers are about Web service integration, which is the flexible processing of data after it has been connected. In detail, the research papers cover matching, retrieval, ontologies, RDF, etc., the position papers cover European implementations and steps to implement the Semantic Web, and the final system overview covers research papers on Semantic Web systems, enterprise applications, and using agents. The final system overview describes the Semantic Web systems in the research paper, enterprise applications, agent-based scheduling, visual analytics, etc. The table of contents is as follows. For example, the paper on “Learning Organizational Memory” presented in the poster session cannot be found on the Internet, but there are many papers on knowledge management and human resource management related to the handling of organizational memory and personal memory inspired by it. However, there are many papers on knowledge management and human resource management related to the handling of organizational memory and personal memory inspired by these papers.

Specific examples of organizational and individual knowledge management include the visualization of knowledge within an organization through cluster analysis using machine learning of textual content, and the combination of visualization of the number of repeats of textual content with word clouds. The approach of 20 years ago was to focus on structured data as text content, which was not dense enough to visualize the patterns extracted from the data, but not deep enough to visualize the knowledge. However, with the development of technology in recent years, it has become possible to approach organizational memory, which has long been referred to as “tacit knowledge,” by using voice recognition of information on conversations exchanged within an organization as unstructured data. It is also becoming possible to add depth to the visualization of knowledge.

In terms of data visualization, a set of various data visualization techniques such as D3.js is readily available, and tools such as Zoomable Circle Packing can be used to visualize clustered knowledge domains, and tools such as Sequences Sunburst can be used to present the hierarchical structure of knowledge in an organization. For example, we can use Zoomable Circle Packing to visualize clustered knowledge domains, or we can use tools such as Sequences Sunburst to present the hierarchical structure of knowledge in an organization, or we can use tools such as Temporal Force-Directed Graph to visualize changes in the time series of relationships between people and contexts by focusing on information in conversations.

Similarly, various approaches are possible for recognizing patterns in data. The application of relational data learning methods such as spectral clustering, topic model approaches, and simulation methods such as Bayesian models make it possible to extract patterns in knowledge that were difficult to extract when only simple machine learning methods were available. The details of these methods will be described separately.

SemanticWeb technology can be used as a starting point for various solutions for human knowledge and communication. Reviewing the various approaches of the past will not only provide a starting point for new ideas, but also provide training for considering solutions. For your reference, here are the remaining titles of the 2002 ISWC poster session.

Invited Papers
  Semantic Web Enabled Web Services
  The Grid, Grid Services and the Semantic Web
Research Papers
  Matching RDF Graphs
  Layering the Semantic Web: Problems and Directions
  Notions of Indistinguishability for Semantic Web Languages
  The Usable Ontology: An Environment for Building and Assessing a Domain Ontology
  Sesame: A Generic Architecture for Storing and Querying RDF and RDF Schema
  A Formal Model for Topic Maps
  Towards High-Precision Service Retrieval
  Automatic Generation of Java/SQL Based Inference Engines from RDF Schema and RuleML
  Ontology-Based Integration of XML Web Resources
  Benchmarking RDF Schemas for the Semantic Web
  Building the Semantic Web on XML
  Trusting Information Sources One Citizen at a Time
  Querying the Semantic Web: A Formal Approach
  Semantic Configuration Web Services in the CAWICOMS Project
  Integrating Vocabularies: Discovering and Representing Vocabulary Maps
  OntoEdit: Collaborative Ontology Development for the Semantic Web
  Towards a Modification Exchange Languagefor Distributed RDF Repositories
  Representing Disjunction and Quantifiers in RDF
  Towards Semantic Web Mining
  Bringing Together Semantic Web and Web Services
  Global vs. Community Metadata Standards: Empowering Users for Knowledge Exchange
  Taking the RDF Model Theory Out for a Spin
  Concurrent Execution Semantics of DAML-S with Subtypes
  Semantic Matching of Web Services Capabilities
  DAML-S: Web Service Description for the Semantic Web
  TRIPLE—A Query, Inference, and Transformation Language for the Semantic Web
  A Data Integration Framework for e-Commerce Product Classification
Position Papers
  Nonmonotonic Rule Systems on Top of Ontology Layers
  An RDF Net API
  A Mini-experiment in Semantic Annotation
  SWAD-Europe: Semantic Web Advanced Development in Europe
  Preemptive Reification
  Four Steps Towards the Widespread Adoption of a Semantic Web
System Descriptions
  Three Implementations of SquishQL, a Simple RDF Query Language
  ClaiMaker: Weaving a Semantic Web of Research Papers
  Business and Enterprise Ontology Management with SymOntoX
  Is Participation in the Semantic Web Too Difficult?
  Consistency Checking of Semantic Web Ontologies
  WebThemeTM: Understanding Web Information through Visual Analytics
  Browsing Schedules - An Agent-Based Approach

In the next article, I will discuss ISWC2003.

