Overview of exploratory ranking and examples of algorithms and implementations

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Overview of Exploratory Ranking

Exploratory Ranking will be a technique for identifying items of likely interest to users in ranking tasks such as information retrieval and recommendation systems. This technique aims to find the items of most interest to the user among the ranked items based on the feedback given by the user.

Exploratory ranking is performed primarily based on the following steps

1. initial ranking: Initial ranking is usually done randomly or based on predefined criteria. At this stage, it is likely that items are not ranked according to user preferences and interests.

2. collecting feedback: displaying the ranked items to the user and asking the user for feedback. Feedback indicating the degree of interest or preference the user has for each item can be collected, e.g., in the form of clicks, purchases, ratings, comments, etc.

3. reflect feedback: update rankings based on collected feedback. Adjust the rankings to take into account the feedback in order to rank items of greater likelihood of interest to the user, thereby facilitating the identification of items of greater likelihood of exploratory interest to the user.

4. iterative: Repeat the above steps to better rank the items, reflecting user feedback. An iterative approach to exploratory ranking is important because user preferences and interests may change over time.

Exploratory ranking can be a technique that leverages user feedback to provide more personalized rankings and improve the user experience.

Algorithms related to exploratory ranking

There are many methods of algorithms related to exploratory ranking. The main algorithms are described below.

1. Diversified Ranking: A method that maximizes the diversity of rankings in order to maximize user interest. See also “Diversity Promotion Ranking Overview, Algorithm and Example Implementation” for more details.

Diversified Ranking: A method that maximizes the diversity of rankings in order to maximize user interest. By including diverse items in the ranking, it is possible to broaden the range of user interest.
Clustering-based Ranking: A method of ranking by clustering items and selecting the most representative item from each cluster.

2. feedback-based ranking: A method to rank items based on feedback from users.

Relevance Feedback Ranking: A method of updating rankings using relevance feedback provided by users. Feedback is taken into account in order to rank items that users are more likely to be interested in higher.
Click Feedback Ranking: A method of updating rankings using items clicked on by users. By ranking items that have been clicked on higher, it is easier for users to find items that match their interests.

3 Reinforcement Learning for Ranking: A method for learning rankings based on user feedback using reinforcement learning techniques.

Reinforcement Learning for Ranking: A method that uses reinforcement learning techniques to learn rankings based on user feedback. It learns to adjust its ranking based on user behavior to maximize rewards.

4. Bandit Algorithm for Ranking: See also “Overview of the Multi-armed Bandit Problem, Application Algorithms, and Examples of Implementations” for more details.

Multi-armed Bandit for Ranking: A method that updates rankings based on user feedback using a bandit algorithm approach. It considers the trade-off between exploration and utilization to select the best ranking among multiple alternatives.

Examples of applications of exploratory ranking

Exploratory ranking has been widely applied in various domains such as information retrieval, recommendation systems, and online advertising. The following are examples of such applications.

1. information retrieval:

Search engines: When ranking search results related to a user’s query, search engines use exploratory ranking to place search results that are likely to be of interest to the user at the top.
Academic search: When ranking search results for academic papers and resources, use exploratory ranking to identify papers and resources that are likely to be of interest to the user.

2. recommendation system:

Online shopping: use exploratory ranking to rank products of likely interest to users in product and service recommendation systems.
Music and video streaming services: use exploratory ranking to rank content of likely interest to users in song and video recommendation systems.

3. online advertising:

Search-driven advertising: use exploratory ranking to rank ads that are likely to be of interest to users across search engines, social media, and other advertising platforms.
Display Advertising: Use exploratory ranking to select ads that are likely to be of interest to users in ranking ads that appear on websites and within apps. 4.

4. news and content syndication:

News sites: use exploratory ranking to rank news articles that are likely to be of interest to users.
Blogs and community sites: use exploratory ranking to rank content and posts that are likely to be of interest to users.

Example implementation of exploratory ranking

The way to implement exploratory ranking depends on the specific application and data used. In the following, a simple example of an exploratory ranking implementation using Bayesian optimization is shown using the Python library scikit-optimize. In this example, we are optimizing a function to identify items of interest.

First, install scikit-optimize.

pip install scikit-optimize

Next, a function is defined to perform exploratory ranking. This function takes as input the item’s features and interest feedback and returns the items of highest interest.

import numpy as np

# Function for ranking (hypothetical)
def ranking_function(features):
    # Here, items of high interest are ranked based on the amount of features and returned.
    # In this example, the mean value of the features is used as the interest score
    return np.mean(features, axis=1)

# Objective function to optimize ranking
def objective_function(x):
    # Give a feature to the ranking function to obtain a ranking
    rankings = ranking_function(x)
    # Returns the sum of negative ranking scores as the objective function to maximize ranking
    return -np.sum(rankings)

Next, exploratory ranking is performed using Bayesian optimization.

from skopt import gp_minimize

# Define the scope of optimization
n_features = 10
bounds = [(0.0, 1.0) for _ in range(n_features)]

# Minimize the objective function using Bayesian optimization (change to a negative value to maximize)
result = gp_minimize(objective_function, bounds)

# Obtain optimal features
optimal_features = np.array(result.x)
print("Optimal Features:", optimal_features)

# Get Ranking
optimal_ranking = ranking_function(optimal_features)
print("Optimal Ranking:", optimal_ranking)

In this example, an objective function is defined to maximize the ranking, and Bayesian optimization is performed using the gp_minimize function in scikit-optimize. The optimal features and the optimal ranking for them are obtained.

Challenges of exploratory ranking and how to address them

There are several challenges to exploratory ranking, but there are ways to address them. These are described below.


1. Insufficient feedback: It can be difficult to obtain appropriate rankings if there is not enough feedback from users, especially for new users or domains.

2. accuracy of ranking: The accuracy of exploratory ranking depends on the chosen ranking function and optimization method, and may not accurately capture user interests if an inappropriate ranking function or optimization method is used.

3. computational cost: Ranking optimization can be computationally expensive, especially when dealing with large data sets and high-dimensional features.


1. active learning: When feedback is lacking, active learning can be used to prompt users for valid feedback. Active learning is a technique where the system asks the right questions and presents the most useful information to the user. See also “Active Learning Techniques in Machine Learning” for more details.

2. Model improvement: Ranking accuracy can be improved by improving ranking functions and optimization methods, and maximizing model performance through proper selection of ranking functions and feature design.

3. improve computational efficiency: Use efficient algorithms, parallel processing, and other techniques to reduce the computational cost of ranking optimization. Approximation and sampling techniques can also be used to reduce computational cost.

Reference Information and Reference Books

For general machine learning algorithms including search algorithms, see “Algorithms and Data Structures” or “General Machine Learning and Data Analysis.

Algorithms” and other reference books are also available.

