Overview of Random Walk, Algorithm and Implementation Examples

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Overview of Random Walks

A Random Walk is a basic concept used in graph theory and probability theory to describe random patterns of movement in a graph and to help understand the structure and properties within a graph. An overview of a random walk is as follows:

1. Definition:

In graph theory, a random walk is the process of randomly selecting and moving vertices (nodes) in a graph. It starts with a node and moves to the next node by randomly selecting the next node from among its neighbors, with all the selected neighbors having the same probability of being selected.

2. types of random walks:

Simple Random Walk: Starting from a node and moving randomly to adjacent nodes, e.g., randomly selecting an edge from a node and moving to the node beyond that edge, and repeating the process.

Metropolis Walk: A transition probability is set and the next node is selected based on that probability. For example, each node is given a random probability of moving to another node and moves according to that probability.

Shortest Path Random Walk: Selects the next node based on the distance of the shortest path. For example, the shorter the shortest path distance, the higher the probability of being selected.

3. Usage:

Random walk is used as a method in network analysis and machine learning to gather information in a graph, especially to calculate the importance and centrality of nodes in the graph. In addition, some methods (e.g., DeepWalk) use sequences obtained by random walks to learn embedded representations of nodes.

Random walk is a very important concept in graph theory and network analysis, and has a variety of possible applications.

Algorithms related to random walks

Some typical random walk algorithms are described below.

1. random walk:

Random walk itself can be considered as an algorithm. This algorithm would be the process of randomly selecting and moving nodes in a graph.

Algorithm steps:
1. Select a start node.
2. Randomly select a neighbor node from the current node and move it.
3. The destination node becomes the new current node, and step 2 is repeated.
4. Continue until certain conditions are met (e.g., limit on number of move steps, reaching a specific node, etc.).

This algorithm is used to search for specific patterns or structures in the graph.

2. the Metropolis Walk:

The Metropolis Walk controls the random walk by defining probabilistic node transitions.

Algorithm steps:
1. Select a start node.
2. From the current node, select the next node probabilistically.
3. Move to the next node based on the transition probability.
4. The destination node becomes the new current node, and step 2 is repeated.

This algorithm is widely used in stochastic algorithms such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC); see also “Overview and Implementation of Markov Chain Monte Carlo” for details on MCMC methods.

3. Shortest Path Random Walk:

The Shortest Path Random Walk is an algorithm that selects the next node based on the length of the shortest path.

Algorithm Steps:
1. Select a start node.
2. From the current node, select the next node probabilistically based on the length of the shortest path.
3. Move to the selected node.
4. The destination node becomes the new current node, and step 2 is repeated.

This algorithm is a random walk based on distance on the graph.

4. DeepWalk:

DeepWalk becomes a method for learning vector representations of nodes using information obtained from graph data.

Algorithm Steps:
1. generate a sequence of nodes on the graph by random walk
2. train a skip-gram model using the generated sequence.
3. obtain an embedded representation (vector) of each node using the weight matrix obtained from the skip-gram model.

DeepWalk is widely used for learning embedded representations of nodes and has been applied to various tasks in graph data; for more information on DeepWalk, see “Overview of DeepWalk, Algorithm and Implementation Examples.

Examples of random walk applications

Random walks are widely used in various fields. The following are examples of such applications.

1. network analysis:

Calculation of centrality: Random walks are used to evaluate the importance of nodes in a network. For example, it is possible to measure centrality by performing a random walk starting from a specific node and calculating the probability of visiting other nodes. Measures of centrality include Degree Centrality, Closeness Centrality, and Betweenness Centrality. For applications of graph centrality, see also “Dynamic Centrality Indicators for Graph Data Analysis that Takes Time Variation into Account.

Community Detection: Random walks are also used to detect communities (clusters) in a graph. By repeatedly running a random walk and observing the pattern of node visits, the boundaries of a community can be identified. For more information on graph community analysis, see “Graph Data Processing Algorithms and Applications to Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Tasks.

2. graph data learning:

Learning Embedded Representations of Nodes: Methods such as DeepWalk use random walks to learn embedded representations of nodes in a graph. This yields a vector representation that captures the relationships and similarities between nodes and can be used for a variety of machine learning tasks, such as link prediction, node classification, and anomaly detection.

3. internet search:

Calculation of page rank: Page rank is an indicator of the importance of a web page, calculated based on the idea of a random walk. Page rank is calculated by taking the link structure of the Internet as a graph and performing random walks. They are widely used as part of web search engine ranking algorithms. For more information on page rank, see “Overview and Implementation of Page Rank Algorithms.

4. Natural Language Processing (NLP):

Learning distributed representations of words: Methods such as Word2Vec are used to represent the meaning of words as vectors, applying random walks to sequences of words in text to learn distributed representations of words that capture the contextual information around the words. “Word2Vec” for more information on Word2Vec.

5. marketing and recommendation systems:

Product and Service Recommendation: The system captures data from social networks and purchase histories as a graph, and uses random walks to estimate relationships and interests among customers. This makes it possible to recommend more appropriate products and services to customers. For details of the recommendation technology, please refer to “Recommendation Technology.

Example implementation of a random walk

Below is an example implementation based on a common algorithm. The example below uses Python and the NetworkX library, a powerful library for working with graphs in Python that is well suited for implementing random walks and other graph algorithms. For more details, see “Combining NetworkX and matplotlib to create animations of graphs“.

1. implementation of a simple random walk:

In the following example, a simple random walk is implemented using NetworkX.

import networkx as nx
import random

def simple_random_walk(graph, start_node, walk_length):
    walk = [start_node]
    for _ in range(walk_length - 1):
        neighbors = list(graph.neighbors(walk[-1]))
        next_node = random.choice(neighbors)
    return walk

# Create a graph (complete graph here as a simple example)
G = nx.complete_graph(5)

# Execution of random walk
start_node = 0
walk_length = 10
random_walk = simple_random_walk(G, start_node, walk_length)

print("random walk:", random_walk)

In this example, the simple_random_walk function performs a simple random walk, starting at the specified node and generating a random walk of the specified length.

2. implementation of the Metropolis Walk:

The following is an example implementation of a Metropolis Walk.

import networkx as nx
import random

def metropolis_walk(graph, start_node, walk_length):
    walk = [start_node]
    for _ in range(walk_length - 1):
        neighbors = list(graph.neighbors(walk[-1]))
        next_node = random.choice(neighbors)
        acceptance_prob = min(1, graph.degree(next_node) / graph.degree(walk[-1]))
        if random.random() <= acceptance_prob:
    return walk

# Creating Graphs
G = nx.barbell_graph(5, 0)

# Execution of Metropolis Walk
start_node = 0
walk_length = 10
meta_walk = metropolis_walk(G, start_node, walk_length)

print("Metropolis Walk:", meta_walk)

In this example, the metropolis_walk function performs a metric walk and randomly selects the next node probabilistically according to the metropolis condition.

3. DeepWalk’s Random Walk Implementation:

DeepWalk will be a method for learning embedded representations of nodes using random walks. An example implementation of the random walk portion of DeepWalk is shown below.

import networkx as nx
from gensim.models import Word2Vec

def deepwalk_random_walk(graph, num_walks, walk_length):
    walks = []
    for _ in range(num_walks):
        for node in graph.nodes():
            walks.append(single_random_walk(graph, node, walk_length))
    return walks

def single_random_walk(graph, start_node, walk_length):
    walk = [start_node]
    for _ in range(walk_length - 1):
        neighbors = list(graph.neighbors(walk[-1]))
        next_node = random.choice(neighbors)
    return [str(node) for node in walk]

# Creating Graphs
G = nx.karate_club_graph()

# Execute a random walk in DeepWalk
num_walks = 10
walk_length = 20
random_walks = deepwalk_random_walk(G, num_walks, walk_length)

# Learning Word2Vec model
model = Word2Vec(random_walks, vector_size=128, window=5, min_count=0, sg=1, workers=2, epochs=50)

# Obtaining an embedded representation of a node
node_embeddings = {int(node): model.wv[str(node)] for node in G.nodes()}

print("embedded representation of a node:", node_embeddings)

In this example, the deepwalk_random_walk function implements the random walk portion of DeepWalk and learns an embedded representation of the generated random walk using Word2Vec.

Challenges of Random Walks and How to Address Them

Although random walk is a useful method for network analysis and learning graph data, several challenges exist. These issues and their solutions are described below.

1. bias and bias problem:

Although random walk has the property of starting from a specific node and randomly selecting adjacent nodes, bias may occur depending on the structure of the graph. Concentrating on a particular node or edge can lead to biased results for the entire walk.


Weighted Random Walk: This is a probabilistic method of selecting adjacent nodes by considering the weights of the edges. By assigning weights to the edges of the graph and selecting adjacent nodes based on the weights, the bias can be reduced.

Random Walk Bias Correction: This method corrects for bias in the results of a random walk. This can be done by weighting the results of the walk or by reducing the effect of inappropriate paths.

2. walk length and search area:

If the length of the random walk and the search range are not set appropriately, sufficient information may not be collected and an appropriate embedded representation may not be obtained. If the length of the walk is too short, the global characteristics of the graph may not be captured.


Averaging multiple walks: Running several different walks and averaging the results can reduce bias and produce better results.

Adjusting the search range: It is important to adjust the walk length and search range according to the structure and purpose of the graph. Experimenting with varying walk lengths to find the optimal parameters is an effective approach.

3. computational efficiency and scalability:

Computational efficiency and processing time are issues when dealing with large graphs and long walks. Scalability issues arise when the computational cost of random walks is high.


Sampling and approximation methods: Sampling random walks can reduce the overall computational complexity, and it is important to improve computational efficiency by using approximation methods and efficient data structures.

3. parallel and distributed processing:

Computational efficiency and processing time are challenges when dealing with large graphs and long walks. Scalability issues arise when the computational cost of random walks is high.


Sampling and approximation methods: Sampling random walks can reduce the overall computational complexity, and it is important to improve computational efficiency by using approximation methods and efficient data structures.

Parallel and distributed processing: When dealing with large graphs and long walks, it is useful to take advantage of parallel and distributed processing to improve scalability by partitioning data and using parallel processing frameworks to parallelize processing.

4. over-learning and data imbalance:

When learning with random walk, overlearning and data imbalance can be a problem, resulting in learning that is biased toward specific patterns or nodes and reduced generalizability.


Dropout or regularization: To prevent overlearning, apply techniques such as dropout or regularization to control model complexity and promote proper generalization.

Sampling and balancing: Sampling and balancing are applied to eliminate data imbalances. Adjusting sampling rates by class and oversampling or undersampling are effective approaches.

Reference Information and Reference Books

For more information on graph data, see “Graph Data Processing Algorithms and Applications to Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Tasks. Also see “Knowledge Information Processing Techniques” for details specific to knowledge graphs. For more information on deep learning in general, see “About Deep Learning.

Reference book is

Hands-On Graph Neural Networks Using Python: Practical techniques and architectures for building powerful graph and deep learning apps with PyTorch

Graph Neural Networks: Foundations, Frontiers, and Applications“等がある。

Introduction to Graph Neural Networks

Graph Neural Networks in Action

